Give Me Five tips and tricks for keeping your house clean and clutter free.
- Organization – Everything has a place and when you’re done using it, it goes back in its place. Period. This includes newspapers, magazines, bills, filing, etc…
- NO Procrastination – When a job needs doing – I do it – otherwise you end up with stacks to sort or chores to do when you should be doing something else.
- Use the basics – I don’t spend a lot of time or money on fancy cleaners. I use the same things our grandmothers used like bleach, vinegar, soap & water.
- Dishes – this one goes back to #1 – if you use a dish rinse it & put it in the dishwasher. I also do this as I cook and by the time dinner rolls around all I have to do is put our plates in and press start.
- Sinks – if you wipe them down after each use they stay cleaner (or at least look it when you have guests.
Ughhh. I am good at procrastinating!
That is such a great list, Tamy. Simple and exactly what we each need to do.
All great tips. 🙂
Hey, I want to do this.. How Cool!
Everything does have a place! I wish I could get my kids to put their dishes in the dishwasher – and for that matter – my husband.
Great tips! Can’t imagine my place will ever be clean or clutter free though.
How do you keep the bills from piling up? And the newspapers, and magazines, etc. 😀
I so agree that everything has a place. If it doesn’t, it needs to go. 🙂
Hey Tamy! This is such a great list, somehow these kinds of basic principals have eluded me….especially the procrastination one! I am Queen Procrastination! So this leads to my messy downfall, I suppose.
Hey, btw, if you want to, come back and fix your Mr. Linky, I am going to delete the first one for you… 🙂
I go with if in doubt throw it out a lot… and if you don’t use it, lose it…