(in no particular order)
- Dirty Dancing
- While You were Sleeping
- Stepmom
- Pretty Woman
- Runaway Bride
- Miss Congeniality
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Working Girl
- Sweet Home Alabama
- 50 first dates
- Never Been Kissed
- Hope Floats
- Practical Magic
oh no…. I have more to list… 13 just isn’t enough
I love all of these. The only thing I’d add is The Princess Bride.
Our taste in movies is similar. You’ve listed my favorites! Happy TT!
I really like Practical Magic. It’s probably the only one that I’ve watched more than once in its entirety besides Dirty Dancing, which I probably watched twenty times when it first came out. The others, I catch bits and pieces of here and there. Great movies!
Yeah, I think you’re missing You’ve Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, and I’ll even throw Groundhog’s Day into the mix. Hmm…oh and The American President. Wait, I know I’m missing some….ooh Overboard (I love the last line of that movie – it also goes along with my redemption themes), wait Bread and Tulips, shoot. I have to remember, tomorrow I’m going to make my own list – thanks for the idea!
My husband is the romantic here, and he loves all of these, too!
I love the first 11 too. I somehow missed the last two. I’ll have to check them out.
I think #13 is the only one I haven’t seen. I’ll have to look it up on Netflix!
Replace #8 with The Wedding Singer and #1 with You’ve Got Mail and you have my list! 🙂
Not familiar with Working, haven’t seen it. And I like Dirty Dancing, it’d probably be about 20 though for me… 🙂
I love While You Were Sleeping… Bill Pullman is one of my favorite actors. He reminds me of my hubby in a way in While You Were Sleeping… 🙂
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dirty Dancing! Seems you like Sandra Bullock… 🙁