Menu Plan Monday

MONDAY ~ Taco Ring Salad
TUESDAY ~ Sweet & Tangy Chicken & Salad
WEDNESDAY ~ Chicken Marsala & Salad
THURSDAY ~ Hot Dogs & Chili
FRIDAY ~ Chicken Noodle Bake & Salad
SUNDAY ~ Seafood Salad & Parmesan Rolls

*Clean Out Refrigerator Night ~ I found this over at Home Ec 101 and thought it was a great acronym that needed sharing.

I do the memes: Menu Plan Monday hosted by Laura at I’m an Organizing Junkie, Favorite Ingredient Friday hosted by Kathryn at Overwhelmed with Joy, Freezer Food Friday hosted by MJ at mjpuzzlemom, Scrumptious Sunday hosted by Meredith at Mercedes Rocks, Tasty Thursday hosted by Pumpkin Patch, Watchin’ What We Eat hosted by Lorie at Honey I Shrank Myself and Slow Cooking Thursday hosted by Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Doing them all make great additions to help keeping me on track and finding so new recipes!



Great menu, wish I had the time to do all the meme’s you do, wow! I love them all and try to remember to visit them each week.

Cheers, Kiy


I have a hard time menu planning during the summer. Sometimes, since I’m not in my school year routine, I just don’t feel like cooking, and we do so much spur of the moment. But I will be back to planning in about a month. I love your recipes for chicken marsala and the taco ring.