Shannon over at Shannon’s Moments of Introspection sent me this award and really made my day. Thanks Shannon! I pass it on to Barbara, Sandra, Stephanie, Misty, Michelle, Jenn, Joy, Diana, Meredith who needs all our prayers as her cousin goes through yet another surgery, Gail, Gina, and Penelope of gave it to me originally a while back as well as everyone else that I may have omitted due to brain freeze. All of your blogs put a smile on my face as I read you each day.
This is such a beautiful award! I absolutely love it! Thank you so much! You are such a great friend!
Love ya!
Thank you for the award, Tamy. Thank you for your friendship too. 🙂
Thank you Tamy! 🙂
Thank you so much Tammy–that’s so nice of you!
Thank you Tamy!!!