The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window…It is still raining and windy… snow is already in the 10 day forecast for the 14th
I am thinking…Fall is beautiful here, but short lived. We could have measurable snow in the next few weeks.
From the learning room…I am learning a another new software program.
I am thankful for… everything we have during this tumultuous time and that we are in relatively good health.
From the kitchen…I’ve just finished 2 days of non-stop cooking for recipes I’ve been dveloping to finish the next cookbook as well as pre-prepare for a houseful at Christmas time.
I am wearing… faded blue jeans, polo shirt, my ARMY sweatshirt and my pink suede slippers.
I am STILL creating…a mess in the family room sorting out a few boxes that have been still packed since we moved in here. They never got unpacked because of the mold problem. I am STILL doing this – what a long process. This answer I hope will change in the next couple of weeks.
I am going… nowhere, but am running late this week and am watching Monday night football with hubby.
I am STILL reading…multiple books this week, but really close to finishing at least 2.
I am STILL hoping… to clear yet a few more problems from my desk this week.
I am hearing…the Monday Night Football announcers sound like idiots as they do at times.
Around the house…I recently blew out the furnace, dusted and vacuumed from top to bottom literally!
One of my favorite things…A cool fall evening with candles glowing, the dog asleep on my feet and hubby yelling at the TV (football). Don’t you just love arm chair quarterbacks, honestly they are as bad as the announcers sometimes that they are yelling at! LOL
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Working on ebay and etsy as well as Christmas projects and cook books.

Here are the picture thoughts I am sharing a couple of the new recipes from this week.

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