Vintage Thingie Thursday collides with Show & Tell Friday

Vintage Thingies Thursday is hosted by Lisa at Confessions of an Apron Queen.
Show & Tell Friday is Hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.

These kitchen tools and bowl are what is left from my great grandmother. I’m told my great grandfather made several of them.

Left to right:
A scale hook, a potato masher, a ?????, an early version of a slotted spoon??, knife sharpener, an early version of a potato rice?? manual of course. In the bowl is a chop knife and next to the bowl is a hand made aluminum scoop and measuring cups set. I don’t actually use them, but they look great in my 116 year old vintage kitchen. (Don’t worry, we’ve just completed bringing the kitchen into the 21st century, but left the aesthetics as old farmhouse).

final blog signature.

Linda C

Thanks for education in old household tools! So interesting!!

Often as I put a load of laundry in the washer and walk away to turn on the faucet and load the dishwasher- and walk away – or use my stand-mixer- I am thankful for all the automation we homekeepers are blessed with in this generation:)
~Linda C

Hootin' Anni

Whoa…she MADE some of these? What talent. And what treasures!!!!

Stop by my show and tell when you have time, I’d love to have you visit with me this fine day. Happy weekend to you!!!


How very special to have things from your great grandfather. He was very talented-they’re beautiful as well as useful- That meat chopper is so elegant.


The inherited vintage is the best! The ??? is the most interesting of these, it looks like you could take something between the metal parts, but the handle doesn’t support this theory. Hmmm…