That in itself turned into a HUGE issue when our local Home Depot didn’t carry the size we wanted (we wanted the larger than standard size) and that particular store had a less than helpful plumbing department employee who actually tried to talk us out of buying the shower kit and going with his buddy for a custom job.
Since we have been forced into this remodel and have done all the work ourselves we were less than pleased with him and our his attitude. We even tried to use Menards for the shower purchase, but they just didn’t have what we wanted.
We eventually drove the 270 miles round trip to go to the Home Depot in Green Bay and pick up the one we wanted that would fit our bathroom well. We purchased a 38 inch corner unit with the antique finish and the teardrop glass walls. We brought it home, installed it and thought WHEW, glad that’s over.
Within just a few weeks the base as well as the rear wall started crazing and leaking. The shower wasn’t even 3 months old yet. We were so upset as well as disillusioned after all our hard work!
I took my receipt to my local Home Depot store (I wasn’t making that drive again if I could avoid it. I mean I already had $600 invested in the kit, 270 miles and lots of time and labor) and went in search of the plumbing manager AND I was ready for a fight! I had even by this time called the 1-800 number and made a formal complaint about the employee who was always trying to talk us out of Home Depot products and forced us into that long drive to begin with.
May I say I was soooooooooooooo pleasantly surprised!! The plumbing manager was a sweetheart. He provided me with the phone number to call the manufacturer, gave me his card and his assurance that if the manufacturer wouldn’t take care of it Home Depot would.
I walked in raring for a fight and walked out so happy I knew there had to be a catch. I figured my fight would come when I called the manufacturer. May I say again I was sooooooooooooooo pleasantly surprised. No fights, no quibbles, no hassles. I faxed them my receipt, name & address and problem with the unit and they are UPSing me a unit to my home!!
So if you need a company that stands behind their products check out American Shower and Bath. I highly recommend them for their customer service and their American made products.
Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will once again be lingering under the warm water spray of my newly installed shower!