Vintage Thingie Thursday & Show and Tell Friday ~ Jenn

Vintage Thingies Thursday is hosted by Lisa at Confessions of an Apron Queen.
Show & Tell Friday is Hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.

These prints are made each year by my wonderful and talented cousin Jenn. She sends them as her Christmas card and we look forward to them each year.

I have just as many that haven’t yet been framed, but I’m building her her own wall. They look awesome with the silver toned frames on my vintage wallpaper. I knew you were waiting to see what made them vintage. LOL I’m able to preserve the wall paper with a little edge sealing and a coat of paint which is also working like a sealer as well as brightening the pattern.

I hope she’s checking today so she can see how proud I am of her work. I just wished they photographed better. If you are interested any of her work you can see her work at her ETSY shop Two Ply Two.
final blog signature.
Anne Fannie

Hi Tamy, your cousin does beautiful work and she is very talented. I like how you frame each one and display them.
Have a great weekend! I sent you a email yesterday. I am your swap partner for the Very Vintage Christmas Swap with Heidi.


Hey, Tamy! These are great; Jenn is atrue artist and having a gallery wall for her work is a super idea!
Just FYI, your VTT link on Mr. Linky doesn’t go to this post, I had to dig and dig to find it. You may want to re-link.