Giving Thanks ~ What I'm Thankful For

  • A Sense of Humor
  • A Stocked Freezer & Pantry
  • A Warm House During this Cold Fall
  • Animals Who Love us Unconditionally
  • Babies and Puppies
  • Dirty Dishes
  • Family Traditions
  • Food on our Table
  • Forgiveness
  • Friends I Can lean on in Times of Need (Thanks Kevin)
  • Girlfriends to laugh with
  • Good Memories
  • Laughter
  • Living in a Free Country
  • My Ability to Color Coordinate
  • My Ability to Cook from Scratch
  • My Ability to Organize
  • My Faith
  • My Family
  • My Flexibility to Adapt to Schedule Changes
  • My Friends
  • My Home
  • My Overly Positive Attitude
  • My Quilt Fabric Stash in these Lean Times
  • New Friends & Blog Buddies
  • Patience
  • Phone Calls with Good Friends
  • Regrets~How I learned to Appreciate the Lessons Learned
  • The Power of Prayer
  • There is Always Something to be Thankful For

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