Hosted by Barbara at Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers
In every city dweller there is a displaced yearning for the rustic farm and land, the taste of the homegrown, all the natural foods. The paradox is that we do want authentic country flavors and integrity, but we do not seek the discomforts of the simple life, so we rediscover regionalism vicariously amid modern convenience and luxury.
~Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th century Philosopher
~Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th century Philosopher
It is somehow both alarming and consoling to know that Rousseau wrote these words over two hundred years ago. I think the best cure for this separation is home cooking. Looking for and buying raw ingredients, handling and preparing them in your familiar kitchen, and then eating at your own kitchen table will daily restore a feeling of connection with the natural world.
~Marion Cunningham, cook book author
Great quotations. Very timely for me as I’m reading Barbara Kingsolvers Animal, Vegetable, Miracles. In her book she says, “Eaters must understand that how we eat determines how the world is used.” It has me thinking again about how we eat and the impact that has on the world ,our community and ourselves. I think a lot about how food connects us to those around us. Thanks for more food for thought.
love these and wish I could find them on kitchen plaques but maybe I will borrow the qoute to do just that
Both quotes are great. and i can relate on the first quote. i often feel i need to have a get away from the city buzz.
Got a quote this week, too.
You’re right, I do love these quotes 🙂
Great! Funny enough, I am SO a city gal it isn’t funny but I find myself yearning for the quiet of the country. Luckily, we can head to the old family homestead where my MIL and SIL still are when we feel the need. Then, I go running back to indoor potties (seriously) and heat from registers and running water. I am going to have to get my homegrown fruits and veges from the Farmer’s Market, as I will never be happy as a ‘real’ country gal!
Cheers, Kiy
I love this – the more things change the more they stay the same, huh?!
Thanks for sharing.
“Add your ingredients to this recipe we call life…” – love that, too! 🙂
I really enjoyed both these quotes, Tamy. I think they explain exactly why it is so satisfying to cook and bake ‘from scratch’, using seasonally available fruits and veggies.