This old house has two separate front doors, both look like this, but are different sizes by a small bit. They are the original doors with no insulation and single pane glass. They are the worst offenders for heat loss in the winter. We stopped by Habitat Restore today in hopes of finding new doors and SCORED! A local high school recently replaced their doors and a slew of solid oak and double thick doors had come into stock AND they are keyed alike AND they had the keys!
We are having to cut them down as they were quite large. One pane of glass needed replaced also, but that went pretty well. We will leave the insides oak stained, but will probably paint the outsides to match the Chianti colored trim to seal them better. Next we’ll work on new storm doors as those are also original and single paned.
The new doors look perfect! So glad you found them, Tamy!
Score! You’re really paying attention to all the details.
Tamy – you amaze me every time I see one of your house posts! Is there nothing in your home that you haven’t changed/upgraded/fixed – lol!