Heather made these Lemon Head Cookies last Saturday over at OuR KrAzY KiTcHeN. One of my favorite SIL’s is coming to visit today so I made her a batch (Lemonheads are her favorite hard candy!) The only thing I did different was to drop them by teaspoonfuls and then shake powdered sugar over them. They are a bit messy, but really are a great cookie! Don’t forget the Christmas party starts in just 9 days over at OuR KrAzY KiTcHeN
looks easy enough, I’ll give it a try
My mouth was puckering while reading this post. I love lemons and bet this is a good cookie.
Now that sounds so (puckering here) good. This is a new one on me. I love lemons.
Yum! I’m going to try them for my cookie try this year for Christmas 🙂
I am still amazed at these cookies… lemonheads… who knew