Earlier this month Kristen issued us a monthly challenge of oatmeal in her What Did you bake today? post. She’ll be announcing the winner on January 29th and will be featuring them the following week both here at OUR KraZy kitchen and on her personal blog, Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker. Everyone seems to be enjoying this so much that we thought we would expand this theme to include a different Mystery Ingredient or challenge each month.
You’ll notice a new section on the side bar that will tell you what the current month’s challenge is as well as past challenges. There are seven of us and 12 months so we thought we would also include in these challenges the parties for Valentines, Easter/Passover, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Chanuka.

The Valentine Party will be hosted by Chris of Nibble Me This. Now that we have a “MAN” on the staff of OUR KrAzY kitchen, we thought getting another to host the most romantic holiday of the year would be fun. Be sure to come back and link up with Chris on Saturday, February 13 and on Sunday, February 14th!