Banana Budding – Best you ever had and a huge THANK YOU! ala Year on the Grill

Hello my friends… Last weekend, I was so touched by the surprise beach party many of you participated in when Our Krazy Kitchen tossed their KraZy Beachwarming Party!  It was wonderful reading all your comments, and I have certainly saved the recipes and will be sharing my versions of them soon.  You all were so nice, I felt a little like the ghost of a guy hearing what people say at a funeral.  I think this was a GREAT idea, and I hope that we are able to do something like this again for some of you all… Any ideas???

And speaking of intending to cook one of the recipes, last night I was all set to cook …

Tamy, from 3 Sides of Crazy and Our Krazy Kitchen,
brought Creole Baked Goat Cheese in Roasted Red Pepper Cups,
I will be first in line to try these!

Doesn‘t that look AMAZING???  Had all the ingredients, and was all set to see if I could do as well.  this was to be my post today to honor all those that played along for my party and to find a new AMAZING menu item.  Go ahead and click the link above… read the ingredient list… I can’t wait to make this!

BUT…  best laid plans and all that … 

OR… Road to Hell is paved with good intentions …

OR… Don’t put off what you can do today …

You know what is coming, circumstances interrupted my plans and I was not able to make the peppers.  Actually, that makes it sound a little nicer than the truth.  Truth is, some new friends called just as I was dicing and chopping the ingredients and asked us to go bar hopping around the island.  Much as I would have liked to chomp into the peppers, bar hopping on ST THOMAS sounded just a bit more fun.

So, I had a few choices… First was to fudge a little and create something out of not very much (go to my post today on my own site, where I fudge a posting out of not much… click HERE and you will see what I mean).  The lovely ladies (and Chris) of Our krazy kitchen could possibly have been called on to fill in for me.  I could have done a song and dance about moving thousands of miles, small tiny kitchen and moving again this weekend (to a HUGE kitchen) and just not being able to come up with a post this week.  Besides the fact that it would be a lie to those selfsame friends that had been so nice to me just a few days ago, I have also made a commitment to do a weekly posting here, and just 8 weeks after starting, i could not see it being fair to miss my day.


I had a recipe saved for a “just in case” day.  Not only is it a terrific dessert, but it also can fit into my island lifestyle.  What says island eating more than bananas, and what is better to do with a banana than to make a homemade banana pudding… So, here goes a terrific recipe for you all…

The recipe comes from one that is printed on the website for Paula Dean on the Foodnetwork site.  You can read her version of the recipe by clicking HERE.

This is my final product.  It worked so well, I took this to a dinner where I was asked to share a dessert.  I did so proudly!

Here is the original recipe…

30 to 60 vanilla wafers
6 to 8 bananas, sliced
2 cups milk

1 – 5 ounce box instant French Vanilla Pudding

1 – 8 ounce package cream cheese, softened
1 – 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
1 -12 ounce container frozen whipped topping, thawed

Line the bottom of a 13 by 9 by 2-inch dish with vanilla wafers and layer bananas on top.

Crush to remaining wafers and reserve.

In a bowl, combine the milk and pudding, blend well using a whisk or hand mixer. Using another bowl, combine cream cheese and condensed milk together and mix until smooth. Fold in whipped topping into cream cheese mixture to the pudding mixture and stir until well blended. Pour the mixture over the wafers and bananas and cover with the remaining crushed wafers. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

YIELDS: 12 servings

I pretty much followed the recipe as posted.

I added the little flourish at the end with a few of the Bananas standing up.  BUT, the important part, the taste was out of this world.  You will never make the box version again without feeling a little guilty because you know that you can do better!

So, Thanks to Paula Dean for this terrific recipe.

Do plan to return next week when I will indeed have something new from my ALL NEW HUGE Island kitchen to share.  Thanks for your understanding, and please be a little quiet this morning… the rum drinks were flowing and I have a bit of a well deserved head ache!


Bar hopping…chopping veggies…bar hopping…chopping…I think you made the right choice!
Yes, party on! (hope you had a drink for each of us who couldn’t be there!)

Martha's Menagerie

Looks wonderful Dave! Bar hopping on the island is definitely a priority! Hope you’ve had a little hair of the dog to cure that headache. I think you might have to keep a few emergency posts handy now that you are an islander – and the team here is always willing to jump in to help in a pinch. Party on Dave 🙂

~3 Sides of Crazy~

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, this is an awesome recipe – I just love bananas so you’ve added one to my “to do” list. I’ll be out bar hopping, er, visiting family for a couple of days, but will be back in a few days and make this first! Have a great move and once again I know speaking for all us KrAzY ladies, we are so glad we could surprise you both.


God, I love banana pudding. You provided us with an American classic and a perfect island dessert.

Are you going to blog about your bar hopping adventure?