Baked Savory Cabbage

Raw cabbage and I are not the best of friends. I will eat cole slaw if it comes with a meal, because I was taught to clean my plate……but cooked cabbage, now that is a cabbage of another kind. The preparation is simple, a few good ingredients, a covered roasting pan and an oven.

Baked Savoy Cabbage
adapted from: The  Ponzi Vineyards Cookbook
375 degree oven

1 cabbage (today I am using standard green cabbage)
olive oil
salt and pepper

Cut the cabbage in wedges, layer in a large baking dish.

Season with salt and pepper (use a heavy hand, you won’t be sorry), drizzle with olive oil. Cover and bake 1 hour. For standard green cabbage you will need to bake 1 1/2-2 hours for that soft creamy texture.


Although not traditional, try dusting with smoked paprika before serving. A sprinkling of Parmesan cheese is also delicious, run under the broiler for a few minutes to sear to a golden brown.

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Rebecka Evans

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! I can’t tell you how much it means to me to hear form a fellow food enthusiast! I adore cabbage in any form but my favorite is pan fried in butter with onions until crisp and brown. YUM!