We went to our local farmer’s market and scored some seriously gorgeous veggies today and I had just bought this absolutely gorgeous piece of salmon at Costco and went in search of an easy but tasty recipe.  I found this recipe, Saumon Kiwi from Denie Bernier and modified it only slightly for what I had on hand.  This was SUPREME! Fresh pan seared Atlantic salmon is seasoned, then topped with a Kiwi lime reduction sauce.

Recipe is for 4 people. – Add one fillet per person for more servings and increase sauce components by 1/4 per extra serving.

3 kiwis, peeled and cut into slices
1/8 cup of water
1/8 cup tangerine juice
Zest and juice of one lime (I used lemon)
1 heaping tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons butter, for sauce
3 tablespoons of butter + 1 tablespoon avocado oil
4 fillets of salmon (mine were skinless which made it so much easier)
Fresh ground Himalayan Pink salt and fresh cracked tri-color pepper, to taste
Savory Spice Shop Supreme Shallot Salt, to taste

  • Make sauce first by adding first 6 ingredients in a small saucier pan on a low to medium fire until it becomes almost the consistency of a thin honey – about 30 minutes.
  • Melt 3 tablespoons of butte and avocado oil in heavy pan.  I use my porcelain cast iron pan.
  • Sear salmon fillets in a hot pan.
  • Sprinkle with salt, pepper & Shallot Salt on the flesh side of the fish and place skin side down first for 2 minutes.
  • Turn fillets gently, sprinkle with seasoning again and sear flesh side for another 2 minutes.
  • Remove skin and place that side of fish down in the plate – the other side is a tempting golden color.
  • Top with sauce on individual plates.