Just a quick update. In the past three days we’ve gotten quite a bit done despite my lack of energy! 897 items since Sunday have been donated, now some of those are things like Pendaflex folders and recipe cards that I counted individually because they weren’t in sets. The items below are yet to be wrapped and boxed, but we did drop off a load this morning at the Women’s Shelter Resale store which made more room. There were 3 BIG bags of baskets taking up a lot of space as well as the three 30 gallon totes so I was happy to empty the car.
I did get the baseboard all painted in the living room and atrium as well as get the whole house vacuumed.
But the greatest find was this super sweet letter our niece, Amber wrote us back in 2008 when she left for home after a 2 week visit.
Ah yes, a big Edit and Purge is quite The Process isn't it? So Bravo on a major accomplishment! And discovering old Sentimental Treasures is one of the best parts to wading thru Storage items or the Inheritance left behind by Loved ones. You've Inspired me… and I NEED Inspiring since my Big Move and ongoing Edit, Purge and Cull of Objects remains in full force! *LOL*… Blessings from the Arizona Desert… Dawn… The Bohemian