Stuffing stockings is one of my favorite things to do. I’m always on the look out for special little items that I tuck away all year long waiting for just this day. Since the kids are grown hubby gets my FULL attention and he hates it (sort of) because he says he isn’t as good at reciprocating the stocking processs. But he tries hard and is getting better at it every year.
This was a couple of years ago (I never give away this year’s items in case he reads this posts 😀 ) but gives you the idea:
2 new Wii U games (Amazon had an awesome Black Friday sale I could do from home in my PJ’s)
fun snacks – M&Ms, cashews, pistachios and DILL peanuts.
some camo carbiners
some camo notepads
an Army magnet
new winter gloves
Mason jar shot glasses so he’ll quit using my REAL mason jars
a couple of additional watchband choices to accessorize one of his gifts from mom
.50 caliber pocket knife
lottery tickets
This year I already stuffed his stocking, but guarantee it will be full of ALL sorts of fun stuff again including some of his new favorite flavors of Dr. McGullicuddys!
Lots of fun ideas there! I love to do the stockings as well. They’re always the first thing we go through on Christmas morning. Reading this reminds me I need A LOT more for my husband’s stocking.
Hope this helped give some ideas for your hubby’s stocking. Also hope you’re having a great weekend. 😀
You’ve intrigued me, Tamy! I’ve never been a great stuffer of stockings, but I think that’s about to change! Thanks for the ideas! <3
You are certainly welcome. I bet you’re better at it than you think you are 😀
Lots of fun ideas there! I love to do the stockings as well. They’re always the first thing we go through on Christmas morning. Reading this reminds me I need A LOT more for my husband’s stocking.
Hope this helped give some ideas for your hubby’s stocking. Also hope you’re having a great weekend. 😀