It’s Hodgepodge time! Head over to From this Side of the Pond for this week’s question if you’d like to play along.
This time last year we had just gotten back from my sister-in-laws house and I was working on some fun new summer recipes getting ready to celebrate the 4th with friends. I had just developed my latest cheesecake recipe for Blueberry Lime and learned to make Malasadas. This year will be a super quiet summer while still social distancing.
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? Do you like to wear the color pink? If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink?
Lately I’ve been loving a guava passion fruit juice and it is the prettiest shade of pink, but last night with dinner we had some pretty pink watermelon too. I have been eating it with a balsamic glaze reduction YUMMY! Typically I am not a pink kind of girl, but I do have a few summer blouses with some hints of pink in them and I did happen to wear a pink t-shirt yesterday 😀 and my toes are a bubblegum pink for summer right now. As for a favorite, probably fuschia bordering on magenta, but you won’t find it in my decorating except at Christmas time 😀
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn…which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain.
HMMMMM tending to be an optimistic person at all times this is a hard choice for me. I’m a real “The Glass is Refillable ” kind of girl so I tend to see 3 sides to most things. If my grams was still with us she’d say Stop and smell the roses, but be careful of the bees or don’t let looking through those rose colored glasses tint how you really feel. I guess if I had to pick JUST 1 it would be a rose by any other name is still a rose. To me that just means that no matter what “spin” someone puts on something it won’t change the facts.
4. Are you a ‘reader’? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two.
I am a serious reader – always have at least a book going, usually 2! I LOVE series books and ironically even posted my Wednesday inspiration this morning about just that! I don’t necessarily change genres or theme from winter to summer – just depends on where I am in a series and if there is a new release! I just finished Gill Paul’s The Lost Daughter and right now I’m reading:
Lisa Wingate’s The Book of Lost Friends and The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate. Next up will be Hurricane Season by Lauren Denton
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend.
The rose from the weekend was the fabulously good weather we were having and no rain in sight. The thorn was that there was nowhere to go and nothing to do because of COVID19!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I received a letter yesterday from my mail order pharmacy that one of my medications has been recalled. And while it was an informative letter to a certain degree, it did NOT actually address how to handle the issue. So, 3 phone calls later I have dealt with customer service and the pharmacist at the mail order pharmacy and the receptionist at my doctor’s office with the result that I have to have an “early refill” done and pay an additional copay to receive untainted medication. WTH? I was told that I could call the drug manufacturer directly to be reimbursed, but not to hold my breath or waste my time. While on principle I want to deal with this, it is 100% not worth any more of my time. :SIGH: When did it become easier to give in than stand up for what is right?
That cheesecake looks DIVINE! Do you have a version without any calories? 😉
HA HA I wish! It is soooooo good though it’s actually worth the calories. 😀
That’s so wrong and frustrating about your meds. I’m with you on the bubblegum pink polish, that’s my go to summer and spring. Have a great Wednesday 🙂
YEP, but I’m choosing my battles these days and $10 isn’t worth the fight 🙁 My other go to colors for spring and summer are Tutti Fruitti Pinky Purple and Wildfire Red
I enjoyed my visit here today. I like to read historical series books. I like your food pictures. I tried malasadas last year for the first time. I think yours look better!
Thanks, the malasadas where a lot of fun and tasty too! I think then you would like the Gill Paul books. She really makes you feel like you were right there with the characters during the war and the current time too.