To play along join up with Annie here.

2 HOW DO YOU CELEBRATE? Personally, we usually stay home at least of an evening. We have traditionally had pets that were afraid of fireworks so we would BBQ at home and stay near them to help comfort them from the neighbors that would start setting off fireworks early. We usually watch the celebrations on TV. In years past we have celebrated with neighbors, but only close to home.
When I was a young girl we always went to my aunt and uncles house who had a pool and spent the day with family. It was a long drive (about 2 hours) and after a day full of food and sun we’d drive home as it was getting dark and I would always look forward to seeing all the fireworks from town to town as my dad headed up the freeway.

3 IN THE TIME OF LAURA INGALLS WILDER, ALL AMERICANS READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ON THE 4TH AND LEMONADE WAS A BIG TREAT FOR THE TOWN PICNIC. DO YOU READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE? OR YOUR NATION’S IMPORTANT PAPERS? ARE YOU A FAN OF LEMONADE? This question is the first I’d heard that the Declaration was read on the 4th in previous years, but it is something along with all the important documents that was taught in school at a fairly in depth level so there is a level of knowledge that is understood. And yes, if made well, I am a fan of lemonade, especially strawberry lemonade.
4 PICNIC – DO YOU EAT INSIDE OR OUTSIDE FOR THE 4TH? Honestly this question depends on the weather and where we are living at the time. When we were in Texas it was too hot and sticky to eat outside and sometimes here it can be too rainy or cool.
We read it every year on the 4th to let our family remember why it is important and what was involved in the American Revolution. I think the problems we see today are that people forget.
I think you are right, people are too complacent and it’s really sad 🙁
Everything here has been canceled and it’s too hot to get outside anyway. This year will be a day like any other day for us. Hope you have a happy 4th.
At least it won’t feel too different for you 😀 trying to see the upside!
I agree. We learned the Declaration of Independence and other documents in depth. Maybe that is why I never bothered to read it over and over again. I think I might this year though. It has been a while.
I have to plan my dogs potty breaks around the fireworks and they set them off at all times of the day and night where I live. My dogs are very scared of them. Loved your answers! Have a nice holiday!
Our dogs always were too, to the point of needing mild sedatives 🙁 Have a wonderful holiday!
I am hoping for nice weather, as I want to go on a picnic and kayak, then back home before the craziness of the fireworks start so my pup doesn’t get freaked out! Strawberry lemonade sounds yummy!! Happy Tuesday!
A picnic and kayaking sound wonderful. I hope they work out for you. Have a great holiday weekend.
You are right, we learned about US history in 8th grande and 11th grade. We had to memorize the pre amble and I still remember most of it. This year we will be watching our grand doggy and she hates fireworks. Our dog manages but her mom gets really freaked out.
I remember quite a bit also as well as the Gettysburg Address and such. Our dogs never did well either, to the point of having to mildly sedate them 🙁