Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you’re doing something fun today! We don’t really go out and do the crowds, not even before COVID, but will go to a favorite local haunt for lunch where she makes incredible roast chicken on Tuesdays or maybe for tacos since it’s also Taco Tuesday 😀 I’ll leave you with a little funny before I head into today’s topic.
Recently, Jean over at Chit Chat with Jean played along with Billie Jo over at Afternoon Coffee And Evening Tea and declared it Get To Know Your Blog Friends Week and then challenged us to do the same. She shared a few things most people probably didn’t know about her. I also remembered having done a similar post when I began blogging all those years ago so went in search of that post to see how things may have changed, which was easier said than done with merging blogs.
I found a couple of older posts, 6 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME and TAG YOU’RE IT and another TAG YOU’RE IT and at that time I actually quit looking because I realized that back then there were fewer of us blogging and memes were just getting reworded 😀 So it’s time to do this head on. Ironically most of the blogs I interacted with back then no longer exist.
Many things I wrote about back then still apply, but they are no longer “little known” about me. I was tagged by Barbara at Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers to share a bit about myself. Her meme was in a question form which seems like a fun way to draw your mind from blank to being flooded with thoughts. I kept a couple of those questions to start today’s post with.
What was I doing 10 years ago?
- My answer then in 2009 was: I was living in Northridge, California and was STILL in a major rebuild process from the 1994 earthquake. Between finishing college in 1995 and dealing with insurance it took awhile to get to the rebuilding which took many years and was completed in 1999. Boy am I glad all of that is in my past.
- My answer now for 2023: I was splitting my time between Oregon and California helping my mom paint both houses and do some updates and repairs. It was also the year I had my second stomach surgery so there was some recuperation time with lots of pool time in the sun in between.
Snacks I enjoy? Ironically this category hasn’t changed all that much 😀
Apples, though now I prefer pears when I can get good ones.
Bananas – always a favorite
Popcorn – still love it, though it doesn’t agree with my stomach as much anymore.
String Cheese – always a snack favorite
Wheat Thins – I no longer eat many of these 🙁
Things I would do if I were a Billionaire?
- Pay off all my debt!
- Buy my brother a house as well as our son and his wife.
- Set up college plans for each of my nieces and nephews.
- Build a house on a lake in the Pacific Northwest to be nearer family – this is the only one that’s changed. After being here and trying to deal with the healthcare we no longer want to be here and have decided to move back to Texas.
- Buy a long arm quilter.
- Set up a scholarship fund for needy girls.
- Build a ranch for abused women and their children.
- Make cuddly quilts for sick children’s beds.
Places I have lived – I LOVE to travel domestically because flying makes me sick usually so we road trip.
- U.P., Michigan
- Texas
- Kansas
- Oregon
- Northridge and others, California
- I like to cook
- I like to blog
- I like to quilt
And the lesser or unknown facts were considerably harder to come up with back then though many of you know these things about me now:
- I’m a night owl and an early bird which makes for poor sleeping habits. I think I’m just afraid to miss anything so I stay up late to get my lists accomplished and get up early to get a good start on them.
- I’m an avid reader and usually have 2 or 3 books going at the same time and at any given point in time.
- I’m a list maker! I can’t stand to miss anything so I write lists for everything!
So, for today’s post, I’m taking her idea and sharing a few more random things about myself.
- I LOVE word games and play WORDLE with my brother and another friend long distance every day as well as having multiple WORDS with FRIENDS games going every day.
- My favorite color is purple though I tend to gravitate to blues and grays more often than not.
- I’m a college graduate with a B.S. in Health Education and a minor in Women’s Studies. I was supposed to be a patient advocate and teacher though my health at the time led to my being immunocompromised with primarily respiratory infections and the doctors advised me against both career choices to avoid germs that were constantly keeping me sick.
- I 100% agree with Jean that white chocolate is an abomination and that it’s not even real chocolate! She found proof too! proof that white chocolate is fake. I’m still a kid at heart and LOVE milk chocolate though I can’t have much anymore.
- Diet Coke used to ALSO be my go to drink until my SLE diagnosis in the mid 90’s. I won’t touch anything diet or even regular soda now.
Now that you know more than you wanted to know about me, what don’t I know about you?
Enjoyed getting to know you more in this post! Always so much fun to learn more about our blogging friends (and find another person who abhors white chocolate, LOL). I play Wordle every day as well. My husband and I kind of compete against each other. I get so mad when he gets it in fewer tries than me (which happens more than I want to admit). I didn’t know you’d decided on where you were moving. Congrats on coming to a decision! I know you’d been thinking on that for quite a while.