WORDS & LISTS for 2025 ~ BLOG 365.1B

Back in 2022 Jean over at Chit Chat with Jean did a word for the year and also a list of “22” things to accomplish in 2022. I liked the way she thought and realized that 2022 items would be unreasonable and using the last 2 numbers to do 22 items is completely acceptable, reasonable and even doable. Since that was my first time attempting that kind of list I didn’t have any ‘leftovers” from the previous year and that made me smile and approach the task as even more possible.

After giving this serious thought I decided to join in. Was I be as successful? YES, for the most part.

I’m seriously gave it a try. I did quarterly updates until the end of the year and then decided to do 2023 also 😀 Towards the end of 2023 I fell off the wagon and don’t even ask me about 2024! BUT, I’m back for 2025!

Your Word of the Year sets your intention or theme for how you want your life and year to flow as we move forward in 2025.

I found an Elizabeth Ryder post about selecting your word of the year. This is from her page on how to select your word of the year.

How to choose your Word of the Year:

  1. Grab a piece of paper and make two columns. On one side, write down everything that went well over the past year. On the other side, write what you would like to change.
  2. Review the list of what went well.
    • How do these things make you feel?
    • What do you want more of?
  3. Choose one to five words that really speak to how you want your year to feel. Nouns, verbs, anything works—just words that feel good to you. Don’t get caught up in the grammar.
  4. Review them all together, then narrow it down to one you know you need more of in your heart.

Then, write your word on a pretty note card and stick it to your bathroom mirror or anywhere else you’ll see it every day. Some other ideas are on your car’s sun visor, your office wall, or make it your computer desktop or phone wallpaper.

Choosing a “Word of the Year” is a personal and inspiring process. This is not a comprehensive list, but if you need some inspiration, here are 50 words to spark creativity and reflection:


Each of these words carries its own unique energy and potential for personal transformation. The key is to find a word that resonates deeply with your aspirations and challenges for the year ahead.

In my case I decided a single word just won’t work. There are too many things I want to accomplish so I chose a few, well actually 10. I even tried to make an acronym out of them. My words are:

  • BALANCE all my responsibilities with more fun and adventure
  • BREATHE before making a decision to get involved in ANY project
  • EVOLVE from the rut I’ve been in to a new lease on life with a Passion Project
  • SIMPLIFY by continuing to downsize all the stuff in our life and de-clutter most of it
  • HEAL or AKA continue to stay healthy and work on dietary issues
  • INSPIRE my own creative outlet and as many others as possible
  • PERSEVERE through all of my health issues and life itself
  • THRIVE despite the medical and dietary issues
  • PASSION for getting back to more of my favorite pass times – reading, quilting, painting
  • GRATITUDE for everything and EVERYONE in my life

In the end I realize I’d be happy if any of these words would happen for me on any given day 😀

My list for 2025 is (some are holdovers from 2023):

  • Do a Happy Homemaker Monday post each and every week. This keeps me more on track and organized about my home life. Doing Happy Homemaker Monday so extensively helps keep me on track as it summarizes the past week and lays out a fairly concise plan for this week.
  • Do 1-2 devotionals every day
  • Follow a nightly skincare regime
  • Complete 4 quilts – at least 1 for each quarter.
  • Finish indexing the recipes on my food blog, Savory Kitchen Table.
  • Finish indexing the recipes on Chasing MY Life blog. When I merged my old blogspot blogs into this single blog it duplicated many things and added an “ALL” category that I am having to eliminate one by one so it’s taking a LONG time.
  • Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family more regularly.
  • Learn YOGA or Pilates or both!
  • Take at least a 3 mile walk daily.
  • Continue to downsize and declutter EVERYTHING.
  • Clean out photo files that date back almost 15 years!
  • Create shutterfly photo albums for 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 and then delete the photos from ALL my devices.
  • Go through scrap recipe tote and eliminate all the recipes I will never try – they’re just not worth saving.
  • Do more drawing and painting – at least one per month.
  • Focus on rewriting more recipes to work for only 2 with no leftovers.
  • Volunteer at least once a month for a community project.
  • Do a date weekend once a month – exploring a new place we’ve never been before.
  • Clean out old files and recycle or destroy old papers.
  • Clean out craft cabinets and donate craft parts no longer needed.
  • Eat at least 1 piece of fruit daily.
  • Do at least 1 random act of kindness every time I leave the house.
  • Read 48 books. Hopefully it will be more, but I think this is a realistic goal.

What do you think? Do you want to join in also?


Oh, I love your list and all those awesome words! I just sat down here at the computer to work on my 25 for 2025 list (like you, I don’t even want to talk about 2024, I didn’t even think I made a list or picked a word but a review of my blog shows I did both things: um, oops.). Hopefully, we both do much better with our 2025 words and lists! I know we will!

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