This is day 1 of BLOGMAS 2020. We’ve all had a stressful year and need some fun. I want this year especially to be relaxing and stress free. I’m not even doing a linky. Just comment on my post and let me know you’re playing along and I’ll be sure to visit and comment on your post. At the bottom of this post is a list of the prompts.
I know some people begin the day after Thanksgiving, but for us December 1st is the beginning. For several years we’ve done an Elf on the Shelf for the munchkins. Each year we did a “cousin” elf so it wasn’t the same elf every year. I know many parents are dreading that darned elf every year and having to come up with 24 DIFFERENT scenarios that are different from the previous year!
But I’ve discovered Julenisser, a Nordic tradition, this year to replace the previous Elf on a Shelf. We’re calling him Bailey. I can’t find that a Julenisser is actually given a name, but I’m winging it here. 😀 The nisse is one of the most familiar creatures of Scandinavian folklore.
In Solvang, a Danish community, they actually do a Nisse Adventure like a scavenger hunt and Danish style JuleFest celebration throughout the month.
In Denmark there is a serious subculture regarding the Christmas elves and gnomes known as Julenisser. They live in forests and eat fruits and berries throughout the year before they come spend the month of Christmas with your family. They have BIG hearts and ARE magical! They love to play tricks on you and your family.
So when do you begin? Do you have unique names for your elf? Or do you have a Julenisser?
Hey, I joined in with you today. Can’t wait to see what mischief your Nisse finds. We start with the Elf whenever we finish decorating for Christmas but I don’t stress too much about it (beauty of teenagers). I probably won’t start until this coming weekend, seem to be behind with everything this year.
I’m so glad you joined in! I’m heading over to check it out! Nieces and nephew are at the last year I think, but I’ve fallen in love with gnomes the last few years. Elf on the shelf is just creepy to me, but I love the Scandinavian aspect of the gnomes. 😀
We have a new one this year… DD (Joannie has her ‘jujube’ at her house), my son’s elf (Maxime has ‘M&M’) is here, then I have mine (Lucie so my elf is ‘Lollipop’). Haven’t given a name to the new elf.
They arrived this morning with some hand sanitizer, a mini-roll of toilet paper and a pack of wet ones. They were all wearing masks. I’ll post a picture next HHM.
My kids don’t live here anymore but I like having the elves, they don’t move much but sometimes bring christmas movies or dvds.
I can’t wait to see your picture – sounds adorable! Ours don’t either and we didn’t even have an elf anymore until we began doing it for nieces and nephews several years back. 😀 I’ve fallen in love with gnomes the last few years. Elf on the shelf is just creepy to me, but I love the Scandinavian aspect of the gnomes.
We do not do an elf on the shelf. I find it creepy and don’t want/need the extra stress of dealing with that over the holiday season. But to each his own. My kids have never been interested in it and when they see one at the store or at a friends house they just agree it is creepy.
I am doing a Blogmas this year as well, but am focusing on Christmas music videos 🙂
I’ve fallen in love with gnomes the last few years. Elf on the shelf IS just creepy to me too, but I love the Scandinavian aspect of the gnomes. 😀
I don’t think I even have an elf anymore!
We didn’t wither until we began doing it for nieces and nephews several years back. 😀 I’ve fallen in love with gnomes the last few years. Elf on the shelf is just creepy to me, but I love the Scandinavian aspect of the gnomes. 😀