From Adam and Eve to Jesse James (the biker guy who cheated on Sandra Bullock, not the gun slinger), the human race has craved what it can not or should not have. Me, I am in a tropical paradise. Rum drinks are pouring every night, and life is pretty darn good…
I can’t get ice cream. Surprisingly enough, ice cream is not sold as a dessert here. Probably just too hot. It is an effort to get to a store, and even more of an effort to get home from a store. I do have a couple of those thermal carry bags, but they would not work for ice cream. Some days it can take an hour or more to get home with my groceries. It’s just not an option.
The funny thing is that I really am not an ice cream eater. I may have a dish a couple times a year, but certainly not every day, week or month.
But ever since I got to the island, I have been craving ice cream. Wouldn’t that be a fine treat for dessert… Cool and sweet… Just a perfect thing after a hot trip to the beach. But, getting anything but ice cream soup home from a store was nearly impossible. Getting ice cream while out to dinner was unlikely, and I did not have an ice cream maker.
But I did have an Internet connection and my favorite bloggers… Sure enough, first Mary from One Perfect Bite tweaked my interest, and then the partnership from High/Low Food/Drink posted a Myers Lemon recipe for Lemon ice cream, no maker needed!
You can read their post by clicking HERE.
So, armed with their recipes, I was off and running. I prefer Orange, so i adapted their recipe to make an orange ice cream…
And I do miss my zester that I left at home. Even more after I sliced off a piece of my thumb while zesting my orange. Feel free to insert your own “blood oranges” joke here. But, I did eventually get some blood free zest, as well as the juice from two oranges.
I combined the juice of 2 oranges
zest from one orange
2 cups heavy cream (bought on special, less than $3 marked down from $5)
and just a bit of saltand 1 cup of superfine sugar.
Now, that last bit was going to be a little hard. I could not find superfine sugar. So, again, thanks to a fellow blogger, I got the advice to put that cup of “regular” sugar in a mini food processor. It worked just fine.
OK, here’s what I did…
I used my blender. I put everything in except the cream and blended away. I slowly added the cream while the blades were spinning at their lowest speed. When I got about half the cream in, everything was well blended. I poured the goop into a Tupperware bowl and added the final bit of cream.
It takes about three hours in the freezer for the cream to set up. But it really takes over night for it to really firm up.
One last hint… I put a couple of bowls in the freezer at the same time. We did have our ice cream on our deck, overlooking the ocean. Everything stayed frozen. You know how it gets sometimes with homemade ice cream, when it starts to melt too fast… The over night freeze, combined with the frozen bowl made for ice cream and not ice cream soup clear down to the last spoonful!
And my my my, was it just as good as I had hoped!
So, there you have it, my paradise got just a little better this week!
Who knew it was that easy!Dave here from MY YEAR ON THE GRILL. As always, I was SO surprised to learn that I CAN COOK THAT!!!
Give me a little taste of home, and stop by the comment section. Let me know you won’t forget me while I am gone!
I am wondering if there is anything you can’t conquer. This certainly looks good. Summer food or for lucky people like you…..
This is great Dave! I’m definitely going to try it this summer. The kids will love this project 🙂
Mmmm, ice cream. Sounds awesome. Heh, I’ve actually been avoiding making ice cream, I have a feeling I would start doing it way too much.
When you are living in a hot tropical environment ice cream becomes a craving-it’s a great way to cool down.
Born and raised in Florida, I completely relate to craving ice cream, especially in the summer months.
Okay, we’ll be trying this tomorrow- our ice cream maker got lost somewhere in the last move. Excellent!
xoxo Pattie and Allie
Looks super refreshing! I sooooooo understand Dave. When I first moved to the U.P. (you know that strip of land above Wisconsin that Wisconsin and Michigan both fought over to NOT get and Michigan lost) there were NO donut shops. Now I probably have a donut only once every 5 years, but like you said, when you CAN’T get it, you want it.