Blogging does certainly make us close

I just signed on to find this sweet award from Gretchen over at Gretchen’s Travels. Thanks Gretchen.

To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means: “This blog invests and believes, the proximity” [meaning, that blogging makes us “close” – being close through proxy]. “They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate?”

Once you receive this award then you are to pass it on to 8 others.
Today I am going to pass this along to…..

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Kreativ Blogger

Alice from Alice’s Restaurant sent this award my way today.

Isn’t it pretty?

Here are the rules:

Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award.

Publish these rules:

Share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support~ Grant the prize to 6 people.

6 things I value

  • God and my faith
  • My family and friends
  • My education and all that I learn new each day
  • A positive attitude, a smile and graciousness (they do tend to go hand in hand)
  • Time which there is never, never enough if anymore
  • Contentment with myself, without it I’m all out of sync

6 Things I DO NOT support

  • Narrow, close minded people who believe their way is the only way to accomplish things
  • Today’s media and their biased reporting policies
  • Automated phone systems for businesses. I expect customer service to be personal
  • Irresponsible parents
  • Violence towards anyone, but especially women, children & animals
  • American Businesses outsourcing their jobs and especially their customer service

6 people I am passing this award to

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The Queen has spoken again – Thank you sooooooooooooo much!

Tammy over at Queen Size Funny Bone awarded me with this prestigious award this evening.
The Kreative Blogger Award requires that you list 6 things that make you happy and pass it on to 6 other bloggers:

6 Things that make me happy:

  • My Family & Friends
  • My Faith
  • Blogging & all the wonderful blogging buddies I’ve made this year
  • Creating new recipes and cooking (I bet that one surprises you)
  • Creating new quilts and patterns
  • Photography

6 Deserving VERY Kreativ Bloggers that inspire me regularly:

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An Award from the Queen

Sweet Tammy over at Queen Size Funny Bone gave me this award.
It’s new and original and I love it.
Here are my awards:

I get my cooking inspirations from many places, and I learn about new techniques, tutorials, challenges, and products from way too many sites to mention and most are not blogs, but I do follow a few meme’s that help me use what I’ve learned so I pass this award on to them:

Kathryn @ Overwhelmed With Joy with Favorite Ingredient Friday
Sandra @ Diary of a Stay at Home Mom with Slow Cooking Thursday
Meredith @ Mercedes Rocks with Scrumptious Sunday
Laura @ I’m an Organizing Junkie with Menu Plan Monday

Fortunately I like to read and always learn something new every time I visit these ladies in particular so I’m also passing this award to Barbara at Candy Hearts & Paper Flowers, Michelle at Scribbit ~ Motherhood in Alaska, Lisa at Confessions of an Apron Queen, Penelope at the Cafe at the End of the Universe, Misty at Misty’s Words, Diana at Forgetfulone and Joy at Joy of Desserts. These ladies inspire me in sooooooo many ways and help to be clutter free, organized, cozy, on budget, full of crafty ideas and productive. So grab your award and pass it on to those special someones who teach you just by reading their blog.

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Bears, bears, everywhere there's bears

Sassy Mama Bear is handing out these bears and her poem.
They’re just to cute to not pass the along to everyone.
We need Friends for many reasons,
all throughout the season.
We need Friends to comfort us when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need Friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.
We need Friends to remember us
when we have passed sharing memories
that will always last.

SO I pass it on to all my wonderful blog friends, and you know who you are, so snag.

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The Revival of Common Courtesy ~ written by Forgetfulone this week

Professional and Public Manners
courtesy of Diana this week – thanks Diana
I’m down with a bad case of the flu so thankfully Diana has covered all the bases

What are Professional and Public Manners?

Professional manners are those etiquette rules that govern your behavior when you are associating with professionals (as in a Doctor’s office or place of business) or when you are working with colleagues in a professional manner.

  • One should observe the hierarchy in one’s business, study it, and emulate it.
  • Typically, a lower ranking person is introduced to the higher ranking person.
  • Stand when meeting someone, and stand for a higher ranking associate, male or female.
  • Professional courtesy usually calls for a handshake upon meeting a new client or colleague.
  • If offered a business card, it is best to acknowledge some information from the card while making eye contact with the giver.
  • Dressing as a professional is common courtesy in most places of business.
  • Avoid gossip and back-stabbing.
  • Keep emails in a professional tone, and keep personal email to a minimum (if your boss approves) or to none. Just because email is so much easier to use than the telephone doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve the same attention to detail and professional courtesy that a face-to-face conversation would receive.
  • Keep professional conversations short, and leave out personal information unless specifically asked.
  • Don’t complain about your boss or your workplace while you are in the workplace.
  • You can create a professional image with just these few reminders!
Public manners are those that are always on display when you are in public.
  • Out in public, it is best to keep your cell phone calls private.
  • Other rules you may follow to display courteous manners include saying “Excuse Me” or “Thank You” if the situation calls for it.
  • Another rule of etiquette to remember when you are out in public is to be patient.
  • You may also consider it proper common courtesy not to spit, litter, or curse in public.
  • It’s easy to present a positive image in public by following a few, simple rules of etiquette.
In both professional and public situations, treat others with consideration. For me, that boils down to the three P’s.
  • Be Prompt
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Polite
(These are the same rules I have in my classroom, and they pretty much cover everything.)
“Manners are the happy ways of doing things. If they are superficial, so are the dewdrops which give such a depth to the morning meadow.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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The Perfect Blend of Friendship

Shannon over at Shannon’s Moments of Introspection sent me this award and really made my day. Thanks Shannon! I pass it on to Barbara, Sandra, Stephanie, Misty, Michelle, Jenn, Joy, Diana, Meredith who needs all our prayers as her cousin goes through yet another surgery, Gail, Gina, and Penelope of gave it to me originally a while back as well as everyone else that I may have omitted due to brain freeze. All of your blogs put a smile on my face as I read you each day.

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Tickled Pink Too!

Sweet Diana at Forgetfulone gave me this recently. I too was tickled pink to visit my friend and find this amazing award waiting for me! I’ve given these blog awards a lot of thought lately and while I feel truly honored to receive an award, I just cannot limit who I in turn give it to. So I have decided that in the future all awards go to ALL my faithful readers and bloggy friends. Sorry to break the ‘rules’, but I just cannot leave anyone out! So, this award goes out to ALL of you!

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