A to Z Blogging Challenge

One of the things I have noticed most is that I just don’t have my energy back yet!  It seems like my daily list never gets finished these days making the next day’s list even longer!!!!!!  So I’m playing catch up today for the A-Z Blogging Challenge.


Sunday was the Letter I ~ INVITATIONS and the etiquette to do them correctly.
Monday was the Letter J ~ for all the JELLY Beans I’ve been making myself sick with.
Tuesday was the Letter K ~ KITTENS and all their “Kuddliness”.
Wednesday was the Letter L ~ LOVE – it really does make the world go round!
Thursday was the Letter M ~ MONDAY which is approaching all too fast!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday was the Letter N ~ NOMAD the life I’ve led of late.
Saturday was the Letter O ~ OCEAN I miss so much being in the mid west now.
and today is the Letter P ~ PRAYER and the belief it can add to your life.

A to Z Blogging Challenge

There is seriously something wrong with me. I know I have absolutely no business joining another challenge as busy and overwhelmed as my life is right now, but you know how I am, I can’t resist a good challenge!

I stopped over to visit my blogging buddy Martha from Menagerie today and found a fun A-Z Blogging Challenge she is participating in…

Of course I’ll play along too, who could resist?  If you’d like to join us just click the badge! This isn’t necessarily a photo challenge, it can be anything at all as long as it represents the letter for that day. The challenge is to post every day this month (except Sundays) for a total of 26 A-Z posts. So far there are 1210 participants and more still joining!

I’ve been wanting to get more active again here at 3 Sides of Crazy, what better way to give myself that little push!

Since I just found this challenge today I have to catch up so I’m including both A and B today.

Yesterday’s letter was A – is for Absent, what I was yesterday!
Today the letter is B – is for Busy Bee, that’s me!

Come play along, this is going to “B” fun  😉