Well we’re on dumpster number 3 and it’s almost as full as dumpsters 1 & 2 were! Goodbye 115 year old lathe and plaster and moldy cabinets and drywall too! The good news is that we’re that much closer to a kitchen. Hubby temporaried a kitchen sink for me so I don’t have to do dishes in the bathtub anymore and my counter is an old banquet table (the kind that weighs ton), but it works for now. It kind of reminds us of our first place 22 years ago, so we are relishing the nostalgia.
We eliminated a window (yeah, now there’s only 36 to go) and insulated the outside walls. The outside walls are 115 years old though, so we’re adding a layer of foam board moisture insulation before the actual walls. Next we need to raise the old kitchen floor to meet the new kitchen floor (a contractor nightmare caused this issue) and then we’ll muddle through the winter before putting down a floor. We’re still debating between a slate look tile or oak plank. Most people say the oak plank automatically, but the rest of the house is a bird’s eye maple so we’re just not sure what the overall decision will be.
He also ran my dryer vent outside!! Yeah!! We used to have one of those funky adapted things that made the room so hot! I can’t wait to start the basement stairs.