Roundup of Fall Pies & Tarts

Joy over at Joy of Desserts will be hosting the Fall Roundup of Pies & Tarts.

Let’s get ready for Fall and Thanksgiving with a pie and tart roundup. We’ll gather everyone’s favorite recipes right over at Joy Of Desserts to help us plan some scrumptious desserts. Apples, pumpkins, pecans, pomegranates, cranberries, chocolate, pears, you name it!
  • Post your recipes anytime until Friday, November 14, 2008;
  • Link to the Joy Of Desserts blog and use the graphic button on each participating recipe;
  • On Fri., Nov. 14, go to Joy Of Desserts and leave your posts’ URLs;
  • Then have fun reading everyone’s lovely recipes for Fall Pies And Tar
Help spread the word so we can all get lots of recipes and lots of visitors. Feel free to add the button to your sidebars and to write posts about Joy’s Roundup Of Fall Pies And Tarts.

final blog signature.


I think I have a really great one -I might try it this weekend, if it’s as good as I think it will be I’ll come back to post it with photos!