Have you ever looked at your hands?

About the PhotoHunt: A theme is given for each Saturday. Post a photo that best represents the theme. New and old photos welcome but must be from your personal collection and not photos obtained from the web. Play along once a week by posting your photo on your site.

I didn’t take this picture, but this email came my way a while back with the picture attached. It fits for today’s photo hunt theme and it was such a good story which I originally ran the picture and the story here, I figured it bears repeating.

About the PhotoHunt: A theme is given for each Saturday. Post a photo that best represents the theme. New and old photos welcome but must be from your personal collection and not photos obtained from the web. Play along once a week by posting your photo on your site.

final blog signature.
Melinda Cornish

Love this picture! All of your recipes are making me hungry…better go eat breakfast before I decide to make and eat a whole batch of caramel marshmallow things…I will be back by to visit! Melinda