Save room for dessert: peach ice with regal raspberry sauce recipes

Welcome to The Krazy Kitchen’s first weekly Save Room for Dessert!

I was brainstorming for a catchy name, and I’m so glad Tamy of 3 Sides of Crazy came up with a real winner.

I always save room for dessert because it’s my little secret for not gaining too much weight! Yes, you read that right!

Medical and scientific research proves that:

  • Not depriving ourselves keeps us from both overeating other foods and binging on the “forbidden” foods later;
  • Learned responses help us stop eating after dessert or wanting bigger helpings if we don’t eat dessert;
  • Sugars found in desserts actually send satiated messages to the brain, literally telling us that we are full;
  • Desserts trigger cheery thoughts and memories of comfort for most people, which helps in preventing depression and from just moping around, promoting a more active lifestyle.

That’s why I’m such a big advocate for eating dessert — always in moderation — as part of a balanced diet and appropriately active lifestyle. It all works together so that we can eat our cake and stay fit too.

This week I have two recipes for you. They are perfect served together and for celebrating July’s National Ice Cream Month and National Berry Month. I offer you Iced Peach with Regal Raspberry Sauce.

It is a variation on the classic Peach Melba, created by French Chef Auguste Escoffier in the 1890s at the Savoy Hotel in London to honor opera soprano Dame Nellie Melba. The classic Peche Melba is made with vanilla ice cream, fresh peaches and a raspberry sauce.

Peach Ice
1 medium can (28-29 oz.) or 2 small cans (15 oz.) peaches in heavy syrup (reserve syrup)
1 cup of the reserved peach syrup
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup light-colored, light-flavored honey
1 cup peach schnapps or peach brandy
juice of 1 lemon

Combine reserved peach syrup, sugar and honey in a saucepan, and bring to a slow boil while stirring. Sugar should dissolve completely, but not caramelize. Add alcohol and simmer for a few minutes and let cool.

Puree peaches in blender with lemon juice. Add syrup mixture and blend well.

Pour into a freezer-safe pan and freeze.

To serve, scoop peach ice into wide-rimmed glasses and nap with Regal Raspberry Sauce (below).

Optional Decorations:

  • Top with a few fresh raspberries or peach slices and a sprig of mint
  • Top with edible pansy (available at farmer’s markets or organic grocery stores)

Regal Raspberry Sauce
1 small basket of fresh raspberries (or frozen, about 2 cups)
1/4 cup raspberry or red currant preserves
1/2 cup Chambord liqueur (raspberry)
1-2 Tablespoons diluted cornstarch (only if needed — usually if too thin when using frozen berries)

Combine all ingredients, except cornstarch, in a saucepan, and cook over medium-low heat while stirring. Do not bring to a boil.

Continue to simmer while stirring until thickened. If sauce is too thin, add diluted corn starch to the sauce, and stir.

Optional: Strain sauce to remove raspberry seeds.

Let cool and serve with peach ice.

Can also be served:

  • Over vanilla ice cream
  • Over peach pie
  • With fresh fruits
  • With chocolate cake
Enjoy! See you next Wednesday for another Save Room for Dessert.
Don’t forget to visit the other participants and to comment on their blogs.
(Stop by Joy Of Desserts to enter my latest giveaway, too!)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts

Thank you all for participating and commenting.
Melissa: yes, that’s fine. Glad you participated.
Amanda: That idea makes sense to me too. Thanks for mentioning it. Glad to see you here, and I hope you’ll be participating at The Krazy Kitchen too. 🙂

Amanda @ Mrs.W's Kitchen

This one looks delicious!

I heard one time about a diet where you eat dessert first. The idea is that–especially for people who must have dessert after a meal–by eating dessert first, you make sure not to overeat on other meal items. Made sense to me!


Looks yummy!

I hope it’s okay that I linked up an older post. I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I posted a dessert recipe!