Hi everyone. We are just about 6 months old here at OuR kRaZy KiTcHeN and going through a few more growing pains, but with benefits. Martha from Menagerie formally of Simple Supper Saturday and most recently of Monday Munchies will be returning to Simple Saturday as Heather from girlichef will be taking a sabbatical. We are fortunate and excited to be gaining Chaya of Sweet & Savory Says it All who will be joining our team with a new meme, Cooking with Chaya on Mondays and Min of The Bad Girl’s Kitchen with her new meme, Try A New Recipe Day on Tuesdays. Be sure and join us tomorrow and Tuesday to welcome Chaya and Min.

And let’s not forget to mention that Dave from A Year On The Grill will Start New Year’s Eve with another great new meme, I CAN COOK THAT! We know that Dave’s quick wit and awesome style will bridge many a food gap!
Don’t forget we’re looking for avid foodies with a passion for cooking and the limelight for guest posts in the upcoming year. Please leave a comment and we’ll email you to set up a date.

Chaya, Dave and Min all have some wonderful ideas on making us better here at OuR KrAzY KiTcHeN. Chaya jumped in with both feet and helped us develop our newest idea of featuring a special blogger each week from the recipe links we receive. So, we will be searching through the recipe links each month and will be featuring one awesome blogger the last Sunday night of the month beginning on the 27th. of December. Help us choose YOU! by linking your recipes with one of our daily memes throughout each week.
I am volunteering to be a guest host sometime…just let me know!
Begs the question… “Do you really want to belong to a group that is willing to have me as a member???”
Krazy post, lots of changes but all is well here at Our Krazy Kitchen – this just goes to prove that it really is Krazy! 🙂