Chaya from Sweet and Savory Says it All and Joyce from Mom’s Musings recently gave me these beautiful awards. For the Sugar Doll award from Chaya I’m supposed to tell you 10 things about myself and for the Beautiful Blogger Award I’m supposed to tell you 7 “interesting” things about myself. I, like Chaya feel like I have bored you enough about myself and lately do not find myself very interesting and am not sure I can even think of 17 things you don’t already know, so will instead combine the 2 and meet in the middle so to speak:
- I started blogging to relieve stress from working on a Victorian investment house that began to remind me of the old Tom Hanks and Shelley Long Movie, The Money Pit.
- Like Joyce, I always have a few books to read at the same time, so I can grab the book that fits my mood, whether it be a recipe book, novel, mystery, how to book, etc…
- I have never smoked.
- Purple is my favorite color.
- I detest paid programming and infomercials. Most of them insult our intelligence.
- I’m a natural blond so it is okay for me to tell blond jokes.
- I once wanted to be a tree surgeon.
- I love to get dressed up, but am most comfortable in levis, a t-shirt and barefoot.
- I can’t stand floral prints on drapes.
- I love boxes of all sizes and shapes! My Virgo organizational qualities bleed through.
I’m passing these awards on to some wonderful and inspirational bloggers, (but not nearly all the bloggers who deserve it) who I am proud to call friends. They have all touched my life in some way with friendship, laughter and encouragement that has helped me cope through tough and trying times this year whether they know it or not.
- Martha ~ Menagerie
- Diana ~ Forgetfulone
- Kristen ~ Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker
- *Dave ~ My Year at the Grill*
- Jen ~ Tatertots & Jello
- Michelle ~ Scribbit A Blog About Motherhood in Alaska
- Kiy ~ Rocking Chairs & A Tricycle
- Jenn ~ What I Did at School Today
*Dave I do realize that these appear to be girlie awards, but you are a beautiful blogger and you earned the sugar doll by taking on puff pastry!
Congratulations, Tamy!
You are NOT boring! I enjoyed your 10 things about you. 🙂
Do you love office supplies as well as boxes? That’s my weakness. 😛
Thank you so much for thinking of me, Tamy. I wish you all the best in your new place. I hope those needed decisions are made soon. My husband and his sisters are facing similar decisions about their mom now, too. It’s hard to be the in-law sometimes.
Awww, thanks Tamy! 🙂
Thanks Dave – I’m glad you’re secure in your masculinity. LOL You’d have to be to participate in a world with soooo much estrogen. And yes, my conscience is clear. I gave this a good 3 months and truly believe that the our moving will be the necessary catalyst for the decisions to be made that should have already been made. I love them, I’m compassionate, I’m caring, but most importantly I’m a realist and know that sometimes to love someone is to make those tough love decisions that will eventually make it all better.
why thanks so much, and I am secure in my masculinity
hope you have an easy move, and your conscience is clear (it should be).