My partner was Kathleen from Measuring My Life in Love. She sent me this wonderful group of goodies. There is a new Christmas Idea Magazine, a thankful journal, a photo album, a romance novel, an awesome apple candle, sweet smelling milk and honey chapstick, Aussie 3 minute miracle and bobby pins to do my hair, Apricot leathers – yum!, Chocolate Bliss, vanilla pudding and some fun purple nail polish that I’ll use next week with my pedicure.
I had already wrapped these when I realized I had not taken a picture yet, so you have to imagine the insides of these packages as I describe them.
To me guilty pleasures means things I wouldn’t normally buy myself, but are seriously on a “want” list. My life is so hectic that there is never any “pamper me time” so the Bath and Body Works Bubble Bath is a true guilty pleasure for those long, but far and few in between bubble baths. I hate my feet or hands to get cracked from the hot summers or the cold winters and the Burt’s Bees salve is so soothing and calming to the skin. Because of my hectic life the key chain with the pictures is something that I can look at throughout the day to remind me of who I do it all for. The baking mat is PURE guilty pleasure. I have never burnt a cookie since I started using these mats so it’s a 2 fold guilty pleasure since I have to make cookies to make this one work. The oval frame I just saw and thought was pretty.
Well, that’s a total bummer abou the chocolates – darn heat wave in September!
I saved the bag for the picture after I had to throw out the chocolates. Unfortunately they melted on the trip over.
Hmmm. Yes, it was thoughtful for her to send a note, but I’ve been your partner before, and I know you send good packages, too!
I see you already opened up those chocolates – I love to stick ours in the freezer and eat them cold – yummy!!! Hope you enjoy the items and get some enjoyment out of them.
wow Kathleen sent you some lovely items. it was SO thoughtful of her to send a note along so you could know WHY these are some of her Guilty Pleasures.
Way to go Kathleen!!