Corn Moussaka

This is a delicious casserole. It is also different, with the flavors of corn, tomato and cinnamon coming together harmoniously. I spotted this recipe in a magazine (Sunset ?) over 25 years ago. I have been making it ever since, I think your family will enjoy it as well. The only liberty I have taken with the recipe is the type of corn used as well as the amount.

Corn Moussaka
adapted from: Sunset Magazine

corn, 2 -3 c frozen corn OR 1 – 2 15 oz canned corn, drained very well
1 pound lean ground beef
1 T flour
8 oz can tomato sauce
1/4 c water
1/2 t garlic salt
1/4 t rounded top cinnamon – 1/4 t flat top is not enough, but 1/2 t is too much

2 eggs
1 16 oz carton cottage cheese
1/3 c parmesan cheese

Spread corn in a 1 1/2 qt flat bottom oven proof casserole.

Brown beef, drain excess fat. Sprinkle with the flour cook an addition minute. Add garlic salt, cinnamon,  tomato sauce and water. Stir well and simmer until thick, about 10 minutes, spread over corn.

The garlic, tomato and cinnamon are absolutely delicious together. 

Bake 20 minutes


Beat eggs well, stir in cottage cheese and Parmesan cheese. Spread over meat mixture.

Bake 25 – 30 minutes or until topping is cooked. If desire, broil a minute or two to brown.

Serves 6

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