HAPPY HOMEMAKER MONDAY week 9 of 2024 ~ BLOG 366.57

Be sure to join us for Happy Homemaker Monday and link up with our host, Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

We’re beginning our LONG journey to my uncle’s funeral today so this will be quick.

I think the weather will change hourly for the next several days. I am starting with a turtleneck, flannel, levis and Ugg’s. It is supposed to be exceptionally cold and snowy here this week with the latest storm moving in.

I’m feeling a little melancholy about what this weekend will bring emotionally. I also feel bad for hubby as Saturday is a BIG birthday for him, and no matter how we tried, we couldn’t arrange the service at any other time to accommodate everyone. As much as I LOVE to travel I’m not thrilled about traveling during this time of year, but you know my motto – IT IS WHAT IT IS! 😀

The weather on the other end of this trip will be much warmer so that also increases the amount of packing and layers necessary.

  • Nothing to do this week or next, but will do a bit of recipe research while I’m gone. I will also visit my favorite spice shop and farmer’s market while I’m gone.

  • Whatever is on in hotels for the first few nights.

BREAKFAST is always a work in progress for me – it will generally be hot water and a fruit yogurt 😀

 We’ll be on the road for the
 next several days so there
 is no menu except visiting some
 favorite old haunts along
 the way.
 Hubby’s birthday dinner is being set up by my cousin since we’ll all be together for the funeral.
I’ll take hubby someplace special tonight – just the 2 of us for his birthday.
chocolate cake of course

I found this fun alien #RailArt near the local lumber yard the other day and I planted a crocus, but it was a bit too soon. This is the prettiest it will ever be 🙁 Herbie on the other hand has mainly artificial flowers planted in it so looks absolutely adorable.

Carrie@northwoods scrapbook

Hello Dearest!
Condolences again to you and all the family. Prayers for safe travels and that it all goes well.
And happy early birthday to Skip!! You can have extra big celebration time after the weekend. 😉
I love your artistic eye and all of the cool graffiti you find on the trains like that. And love all of your inspirations always.
Blessings on the week ahead. xoxo

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