HAPPY HOMEMAKER MONDAY week 11 of 2024 ~ BLOG 366.71

Be sure to join us for Happy Homemaker Monday and link up with our host, Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

This past week was extremely warm (mid 80’s) and very humid for March in southeast Texas, but then the weekend turned almost cold and windy bringing back out the sweatshirts we started the trip with. Fortunately we’ll be leaving here later today before the warm weather returns. So I’m starting today in Levi’s, a favorite t-shirt, sweatshirt and some tennies that I should have broken in better before the trip.

I’m glad we came to help my cousin and be here for the memorial. My aunt passed several years back so now both of my god parents are gone. I know my aunt and uncle are looking down and proud of my decisions. That said, I’m glad to be heading home having done all I can do to help and be leaving it in my rear view mirror. I’m going to leave the rest of my thoughts mulling over in my brain until next week 😀

  • LAUNDRY I got caught up on laundry yesterday so we’ll start the trip home will ALL clean clothes.
  • RECIPE RESEARCH & MENU PLANNING I ran across a few of my aunt’s old recipes that were wonderful as a child, but will need to be converted to scratch now. Who really knows what this week will bring for a menu. The one thing I do know is a lot of eating out for our main meal.

  • Not much as it’s all at home on the DVR, but we did watch a couple Amazon movies – UPGRADED, THE OTHER ZOEY and ALIENS ABDUCTED MY PARENTS

I just began THE ENEMY at HOME by Kevin O’Brien, a WWII historical suspense novel. I’ve really been enjoying historical WWII novels.

BREAKFAST is always a work in progress for me – it will generally be hot water and a fruit yogurt 😀


Other than a few outings to favorite haunts for some long missed meals our week was spent working on clearing out my uncle’s house – throwing away the trash from the shed, house and garage, packing up the donations for his favorite charity and helping my cousin pack what she is taking home with her to Kansas. We’re exhausted and ready to start heading home!

Carrie@northwoods scrapbook

Hello Beautiful!
Such hard work you did – that’s a lot…to clear all of that out. I have no doubt your Aunt and Uncle are looking down on you with such love. But I’m glad you get to be home now and hopefully get some rest too.
Blessings on your week – sorry so late this week. xoxo


AW THANK YOU! I know they are and that is my solace in this whole thing. I keep telling myself I did the right thing whether it was appreciated or not. We will be home by Sunday thank goodness – I can’t wait to get back to “normal” 😀


Have a safe trip back. Emptying all is alot of work and full of memories I’m sure. Never heard of leftover bacon either haha.
Have a great week

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