These were the remaining prompts for NaBloPoMo that I had yet to answer. I have in my own way participated in blogging every day and will continue to do so, but I realized these prompts didn’t fit me well.

I have to be honest – these are not things I normally blog about and many of the questions were so open ended or so deep that they really belonged in a private session between you and your therapist.  So in a long rounded way I’m, saying that I will still be blogging every day, just in my own way!

Day 11: What is my biggest dream?
Day 12: What am I thankful for today?
Day 13: What or who am I beneath all my roles?
Day 14: What kinds of feelings am I feeling right now?
Day 15: What is the worst that could happen if I let go of things that no longer serve me?
Day 16: What have been the most defining moments that have helped shape my life?
Day 17: What does ‘being’ mean to me?

Day 18: What fascinates me so much that the thought of it won’t leave me alone?
Day 19: What are my best qualities?
Day 20: Where am I going and why?
Day 21: What does happiness mean to me?
Day 22: What is my life like when it is in balance?
Day 23: How or in what way do I experience myself when I’m alone?
Day 24: What kind of advice on life would I give my younger self?
Day 25: What kinds of routines/habits limit my experience of everyday life?
Day 26: What is my instinct telling me to do?
Day 27: What is my gift to the world?
Day 28: Am I focusing more on what my life looks like than on what it feels like?
Day 29: What kinds of recurring situations or people do I attract?
Day 30: Is there something in my life that makes me forget time while I’m doing it?


Day 5: What kinds of situations do I avoid? This is an easy prompt for me and especially right now with the whole world so worked up by COVID and/or the US election.  I AVOID confrontation! I’m a VERY optimistic person and can usually see both sides pretty well.  I can find positive even in the worst situations because I believe there is always something to be thankful for.

Day 6: What is my worst fear? Based on the question above, my worst fear is being put in a confrontational position. As I said I avoid those types of situations and I’m pretty easy going, but once I blow – WATCH OUT!

Day 7: How would I want to be encouraged right now? Right now, before and always I like to be encouraged by having those around me acknowledge strengths and accomplishments.  I believe in starting any conversation with a positive.  My dad taught me years ago that setting the tone for a conversation goes a long way. Even when you have something to complain about, starting positively makes the other person listen to you better. And doing it in a normal voice without arguing and yelling is even better!

Day 8: Why am I doing the things I am doing right now? This question is too open ended to even come up with an answer 😀

Day 9: What gives me great joy? Making others happy, spending time with friends and family, cooking, baking, organizing, quilting, beautiful sunsets, nature…Some of those work even better when done together.

Day 10: What are my most important values? Family, Freedom, Love, Loyalty, Humanity, Kindness, Patience, Integrity…

NaBloPoMo Prompt CATCH UP for days 1-4

I got a bit of a late start so am jumping in here doing 4 days at once.  These prompts are from PINARTWORK.  I have several things that I will be posting over the next several days so will probably do the prompts several days at a time.

Day 1: If I didn’t feel shame or fear, what would I do now?

This is a difficult prompt for me. I tend to be a sensitive and empathetic type with a conscientious so can’t even imagine any scenario where shame and fear didn’t exist so cannot even fathom an answer to this question.

Day 2: If this was my last day, would I be satisfied with my life?

I would be satisfied that I’ve always tried my best, but as I think most would agree at my age there are always still many things I’d like to accomplish in this life.  Having dreams and goals is what keeps me moving forward.

Day 3: How would I like people to remember me when I am no longer here?

I would LOVE to know that I was remembered for being someone who inspired others to do there best and be better people than they were before they met me. My niece Amber sends me the sweetest messages, usually when I need to hear them the most, that remind me that I was there for her when she needed it.  My connection with her is beyond special and VERY precious to me.

Day 4: What if everything is as it should be? How would that make me feel?

At any given moment I choose to believe that everything happens for a reason AND is as it should be.  These thoughts of course assume that I’ve made the right decisions on any given day and listened to my instincts.

NaBloPoMo ~ National blog posting month

My friend Martha posted today over at Seaside Simplicity about NaBloPoMo (National blog posting month). I too had forgotten all about it, but used to participate regularly back in the good old days of blogging.

All you have to do is post every single day for the month of November. I’ll also give it a try – no promises with the way things have been going in life, but I’ll give it a shot. I hadn’t posted today, but this may be the kick in the butt I needed and wanted to spread the word too.

NaBloPoMo no longer exists in an official form and nobody is really “in charge”, but many times individual bloggers sometimes host their own mini-NaBloPoMos. You can find these bloggers doing a search online for NaBloPloMo and the current month and year if you need to find writing prompts or ideas. For me the idea is just post something, anything (recipe, meme…) at all EVERY day!

I did find this prompts that I’m going to try and follow (though some will be out of order and combined in order to catch up) over at PINARTWORK.  They fall into the Thanksgiving type questions of gratitude and WHY AM I Here type of a category.

Day 1: If I didn’t feel shame or fear, what would I do now?
Day 2: If this was my last day, would I be satisfied with my life?
Day 3: How would I like people to remember me when I am no longer here?
Day 4: What if everything is as it should be? How would that make me feel?
Day 5: What kinds of situations do I avoid?
Day 6: What is my worst fear?
Day 7: How would I want to be encouraged right now?
Day 8: Why am I doing the things I am doing right now?
Day 9: What gives me great joy?
Day 10: What are my most important values?
Day 11: What is my biggest dream?
Day 12: What am I thankful for today?
Day 13: What or who am I beneath all my roles?
Day 14: What kinds of feelings am I feeling right now?
Day 15: What is the worst that could happen if I let go of things that no longer serve me?
Day 16: What have been the most defining moments that have helped shape my life?
Day 17: What does ‘being’ mean to me?
Day 18: What fascinates me so much that the thought of it won’t leave me alone?
Day 19: What are my best qualities?
Day 20: Where am I going and why?
Day 21: What does happiness mean to me?
Day 22: What is my life like when it is in balance?
Day 23: How or in what way do I experience myself when I’m alone?
Day 24: What kind of advice on life would I give my younger self?
Day 25: What kinds of routines/habits limit my experience of everyday life?
Day 26: What is my instinct telling me to do?
Day 27: What is my gift to the world?
Day 28: Am I focusing more on what my life looks like than on what it feels like?
Day 29: What kinds of recurring situations or people do I attract?
Day 30: Is there something in my life that makes me forget time while I’m doing it?

Anyone else want to join in the fun?  If you want to join in, but missed posting today just jump in tomorrow and do an extra post somewhere along the way. This is always a fun challenge. I hope you do it with us!  🙂