Category: THURSDAY 13
Thursday 13 ~ Things I would never move again

This list is of things that looking in retrospect should have been given to charity and purchased new on this end of our major cross country move for this investment house. Unless you are 100% attached to an item – get rid of it!
- Couch
- Living room chairs
- Entertainment center
- Microwave
- Books, books and more books
- Office Chair
- Tupperware
- Mattresses
- Garden Tools
- Throw Rugs
- Everyday Dishes
- Excess electronics
- Paintings
Thursday Thirteen ~ International Disturbed People's Day
I recently received an email from a friend in honor of International Disturbed People’s Day with the message to send it on to another disturbed friend just as they had done. It said that every 60 seconds you spend angry, upset or mad is a full minute of happiness you’ll never get back. Today’s Message of the Day is: Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not by the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we should dance. SO in honor of passing it on to my friends I offer you 13 of the images that accompanied it.
Let me just say someone had way too much time on their hands!
Thursday Thirteen ~ 13 Amazing Pavement Picasso drawings
Thursday Thirteen ~ 13 Things to clean in the kitchen that are often forgotten

- *The top of the refrigerator.
- *The vents at the bottom of the freezer.
- *The vents behind the refrigerator.
- *The tops of the cabinets if they don’t reach the ceiling.
- **The handles on the refrigerator.
- **Door and drawer handles.
- **Canister sides and backs.
- **Backs of the faucet handles.
- Utensils that are in a crock ~ I run mine through the dishwasher once a week, crock and all.
- the screen in the oven vent ~ I run mine through the dishwasher once a week.
- Toaster crumb tray ~ I run mine through the dishwasher once a week.
- Chair and table legs ~ I do these whenever I do the floors.
- Light fixtures ~ I do these just before I do the floors.
*I do these at least once a month.
**It only takes 5 minutes if you do it every night as you are wiping down the counter tops and stove.
**It only takes 5 minutes if you do it every night as you are wiping down the counter tops and stove.
Don’t forget to stop by and visit Barbara over at Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers for the September Homemaking Shape-up – we’re getting ready for winter for a serious fall cleaning.
Thursday Thirteen ~ Kitchen Tools I could live without but am GLAD I don't have to…

- Pampered Chef Pizza Stone
- Pampered Chef Mini Whip
- Pampered Chef Chopper – Are you seeing a trend here?
- Pampered Chef Jar opener
- Pampered Chef prep bowls
- Pampered Chef Specialty Cake Pans – Seeing the trend yet? LOL
- Cuisinart Mini Food Chopper
- Slow Cooker
- Magnalite
- Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer
- Silicone pinch bowls
- Cutco Knives
- Specialty Tupperware pieces
Thursday 13 ~ A list of 13 things I need to Do

- Take measurements for lower cabinet kitchen shelves.
- Design lower cabinet kitchen shelves.
- Finish sorting & organizing craft items.
- Finish sorting & organizing rummage sale items for charity.
- Finish painting Amber’s bedroom. (It needs a 3rd coat that I’ve been putting off)
- Finish building master bedroom closet.
- Clean, sort, organize and insulate coat closet.
- Finish Christmas and birthday presents that I’m hand making.
- Finish sorting & filing the boxes that were dropped and mixed up when we moved in here.
- Finish the last (hopefully) 2 loads to the dump from the ‘issues’ we inherited with the house.
- Finish the trim molding in the kitchen.
- Finish the trim molding in the upstairs bath.
- Finish the downstairs bath.
- … an so on!!
Thursday 13
Thirteen worthwhile attractions to see in the U.P.
- Mackinac Island
- Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island)
- Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
- Isle Royale National Park
- The Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
- Iron Mountain Iron Mine – Vulcan
- Porcupine Mountains State Park
- Keweenaw National Historical Park
- Grand Island National Recreation Area
- National Ski Hall of Fame
- Seney National Wildlife Refuge
- Tahquamenon Falls State Park
- Pine Mountain ski jump in Iron Mountain is one of the largest artificial ski jumps in the world.[17]
Thursday 13 quotes for USA Independence Day
- Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. ~Thomas Paine
- You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. ~Erma Bombeck
- This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis
- In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
- It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. ~Dick Cheney
- We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls. ~Robert J. McCracken
- If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. ~Hamilton Fish
- My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy! ~Thomas Jefferson
- How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy. ~Paul Sweeney
- What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom “to” and freedom “from.” ~Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade
- And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood - There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton
- One man with courage makes a majority. ~ Andrew Jackson
Thursday 13 pets I've had
- Maisie – a mutt terrier – who ate through the washing machine cord while it was running.
- Daisy – another mutt terrier, but one of the dogs ever!
- Smokey – the cat who would let me dress her up in doll clothes and wheel her around in my toy stroller.
- Terry – the collie we received as a rescue.
- Buffy – the Pekingese we got from my grandparents when they moved.
- Angel – a tea cup poodle my parents got me for my 18th birthday.
- Smokey – a balinese that I bought for my ex, but ended up being the one to take care of her.
- Idgy – a chow lab mix that was the love of my life.
- Karleigh – a Sheltie I rescued from the pound.
- Sady – a gray sable kitten that I found behind my garage with her siblings abandoned.
- Dickens – a tiger cat we inherited from my mom.
- Gunner – our fun loving black lab
- Whiskey – our beautiful golden retriever
Mere just reminded me I should have listed the horses too! Sorry Buck and Tack. I’ll skip the hamsters, poly wogs, gold fish and room mate shared pets.
Thursday Thirteen ~ All about ITALIAN coffee

So is everyone out there as confused as they sound when they order Italian coffee?
I thought I’d do a list of the definitions you need know in order to order efficiently.
Learn more here.
- Caffè (kah-FE) – We might call it espresso; a small cup of very strong coffee, topped with a caramel-colored foam called “crema”, a very important element in the best examples.
- Caffè Hag is a decafinated version. You can order a “decafinato” as well; Hag is the name of the largest producer of Italian decaf coffee and that’s the way you’ll see it on many bar menu boards.
- Bicerìn (pronounced BI-che-rin) – Traditional drink of Piemonte around Torino, consisting of dense hot cocoa, espresso and cream, artfully layered in a small glass. Not usually found outside of the Piemonte region.
- Caffè Shakerato (kah-FE shake-er-Ah-to ) – in its most simple form, a caffe shakerato is made by combining freshly made espresso, a bit of sugar, and lots of ice, shaking the whole deal vigorously until a froth forms when poured. Can have some chocolate syrup added. See, Caffe Shakerato – What’s This Italian Shakerato Thing.
- Caffè latte (kah-FE LAH-te) – Espresso with hot milk, a cappuccino without the foam usually served in a glass. This is what you might call a “latte” in the US. In Italy, outside of tourist joints, you run the risk of getting what you asked for – milk, or worse yet, steamed milk.
- Latte macchiato (Lah-te mahk-YAH-to) – Steamed milk “stained” with espresso, served in a glass. Ideally 1/3 espresso, 2/3 warm milk with a small head of foam – aka a coffee with milk that costs 5 times as much as coffee with milk.
- Cappuccino (pronounced kah-pu-CHEE-no) – a shot of espresso in a large(er) cup with steamed milk and foam. Not ordered by Italians after 11 in the morning.
- Caffè con panna – espresso with sweet whipped cream
- Caffè ristretto (kah-FE ri-STRE-to) – a “restricted coffee” or one in which the stream of coffee is stopped before the normal amount. The essense of coffee, concentrated but should not be bitter.
- Caffè corretto (kah-FE ko-RE-to) – coffee “corrected” with a drizzle of liquor. I like sambuca, but most prefer conac or grappa.
- Caffè freddo (kah-FE FRAYD-o) – Iced, or at least cold, coffee
- Caffè lungo (Kah-FE LOON-go) – a long coffee. They’ll let the water pour from the machine until the coffee becomes weak and bitter. Also called a Caffè Americano or American Coffee, which is also expressed as acqua sporca, or “dirty water” by Italians.
- Caffè con zucchero (ZU-kero) – espresso with sugar. Usually, you’ll add your own from a container at the bar, but in some places, especially in the south around Naples, the coffee comes with sugar and you have to order it “sensa zucchero” or without sugar if you don’t like it sweet.
Thursday Thirteen

(in no particular order)
- Dirty Dancing
- While You were Sleeping
- Stepmom
- Pretty Woman
- Runaway Bride
- Miss Congeniality
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Working Girl
- Sweet Home Alabama
- 50 first dates
- Never Been Kissed
- Hope Floats
- Practical Magic
oh no…. I have more to list… 13 just isn’t enough