2/3 cup Hot water
10 ounces Land of Lakes cocoa mix
2 cups JIF creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup light corn syrup
3 cups C&H powdered sugar, divided 2cups + 1 cup
2 cups crushed vanilla wafers
2 cups crushed ginger snaps
72 Hershey Kisses (I like the cherry cordials)

  • Whisk together the hot water and cocoa mix until smooth.
  • Add peanut butter and corn syrup. Blend until smooth.
  • Add 2 cups powdered sugar and stir until well blended.
  • Stir in cookie crumbs until well blended.
  • Spray wax paper with PURE (these will be sticky so don’t forget this step).
  • Drop heaping teaspoonfuls of dough onto the wax paper.
  • Place the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar in a shallow bowl.
  • Roll each piece of dough into a ball and dredge in powdered sugar.
  • Press your thumb into the center and fill with a Hershey’s kiss.

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Many of you know that Martha (MM) and myself have both been embroiled in care taking situations for loved ones for quite some time now.  We do it out of love and a bit of obligation, but we do it well with compassion, patience and tolerance.  To say that it is stressful is the WORLD’S GREATEST UNDERSTATEMENT
Most evenings we spend a few minutes emailing back and forth commiserating over the days troubles and surprises.  Often it makes us chuckle and laugh which by my standards is soooooooooooooo necessary to help US with the stress.  For me, just knowing that my friend knows what I’m going through relieves a lot of stress and reminds me that there is always tomorrow.  We’re both Virgos and about the same age so there are enough similarities that I honestly believe we think alike.  I know I sometimes receive an email just after I have hit send on one to her which is a relief as I know we were in the same “place” at the same time.  Many times we could have even written each other’s emails because our days were so similar.
These days the difference comes because I am now helping to care for an aunt who has been placed in a care home while I’m also caring for her husband in their home who had triple bypass surgery and Martha is caring for her mother in her mother’s home while taking care of her family in her own home.  We are both basically caring for 2 homes, but I can walk away from my aunt at the end of the day and know that there are at least 2 caregivers on staff for the night in the event my aunt needs help.  This should bring relief. Instead it brings grief.  Many times MUCH grief.  
We have all heard about the horror stories in the news of abuse by caregivers to the elderly and infirm.  For every story we have heard I guarantee you there are a hundred times more stories we haven’t heard.  My aunt has been complaining for some time about the manager of the house she lives in as well as one of the nighttime aides.  Many times we were inclined to believe much of it to be exaggeration. There are so many examples to choose from, but right now many of those cannot be spoken of while resolutions are pending. 

Most of the residents of the home are there through guardianship and don’t have many visitors and while I have no actual proof, I believe that the “manager” (and boy do I use that term loosely) does not like family around because she can’t do things her way and in her time.  She’s loud, rude and downright mean.  She treats family members like they work for her and demands “respect” in “her facility”.  Yep, you heard me right!  This though is yet another story.

The man that owns the house is going through financial difficulties and has cut back on many things, one of which is the cook.  The manager of the house is now doing all the cooking (well supposedly, but that’s another story). She cooks by her terms “Louisiana style”.  From what I can tell, “Louisiana” style is a euphemism for lazy. The food is now being served with all the bones and gristle.  My aunt is sight impaired and has severe dyskinesia, involuntary muscle movements, that makes her dexterity difficult.  She cannot cut meat from a bone or detect it in a bowl of soup or stew. There is a serious choking hazard here. Personally I see not removing the bones before serving it to patients as pure laziness and neglect.
Martha and I  of all people do understand how difficult this type of work can be physically and emotionally.  But, I personally believe that anyone entering a paid position caring for patients should have a patience and tolerance that is reflected by their words and actions as well as the necessary knowledge of the disease(s) to understand the nature of the symptoms and side affects.  If they cannot offer any one of those criteria then perhaps they should be looking for different work.  If they cannot or will not follow the prescribed protocol for caring for patients as I suspect is the case in certain instances with my aunt (i.e. removing her night time meds without consulting the Dr.) then they should not be in this position either.   

I know my horror stories have left Martha feeling a little queasy about getting her mother into an assisted living situation.  But the moral, yes there is a moral! is that the family needs to stay involved, ask questions and not be afraid to follow through with governing agencies as we are doing now concerning my aunt and her care.

The biggest moral is that the caretaker MUST take care of themselves or they are of no good to anyone! The caretaker being stressed only creates stress in the patient that becomes a vicious cycle.
Now for something fun.  The holidays are coming much faster than many of us would like so I offer you this easy and fun recipe that will thrill the kids for Christmas.

Now for something fun.  The holidays are coming much faster than many of us would like so I offer you this easy and fun recipe that will thrill the kids for Christmas.

My great aunt who I only got to see a couple times a year used to make these every year special for me and I would wait out on the front steps for her to arrive just to see them and know they were there. Oh and her too! She always made them soooooooooo pretty and perfect!


(these are better when they are made a few days ahead)
30 large marshmallows (or 1 jar marshmallow cream)
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoon green food color
3 1/2 cups cornflakes
Red Hots
  • Combine marshmallows, butter, vanilla and food color in top of double boiler. Heat and stir frequently until well blended.
  • Gradually stir in cornflakes until well blended.
  • Drop onto wax paper and arrange into wreath shapes. I plop them onto the wax paper and then push out from the center to form the wreaths.
  • Decorate with red hots.
  • Let cool.
  • If your house is warm – chill in refrigerator until set.


Yep, there is a difference.  Do you know what it is?  You’re not alone if you don’t, most people don’t.  I recently took my OLD computer into Best Buy for a check up and optimization.  After the diagnostic, they told me all I needed was an optimization to clean up old temporary internet files and “stuff” to help speed it up.  I run a top of the line anti-virus/internet security suite protection that the Geek Squad told me was working well.  They also told me the optimization would take an hour.  It took 7.  Then just a week later I was back.  My operating system had frozen up.  Now Best Buy and I have come to an agreement as of just this morning, but I was promised a computer on Wednesday mid-afternoon.  I picked it up Friday morning.  It was a comedy of errors that almost had a tragic ending and all because the particular members of this particular Best Buy’s Geek squad have the communication skills of a gnat and the integrity of the dirt on the gnat’s feet, but I digress.  My conversation after the initial diagnosis went something like this:
**He told me, “You have a virus.  Looks like it’s from a gaming site.”
I said, “I don’t visit gaming sites.”
He asked, “Do you use facebook?.”
I said, “Well sure, doesn’t everybody?”
He said, “Probably, but do you play their games, or watch you tubes?”
I said, “A few when I’m on hold or late at night watching TV.
He said, “That’ll do it.”
I said, “But isn’t facebook safe?”
He said, “For the most part, but the games and videos are separate entities, not always related to facebook,”
I said, “Why didn’t my virus scan catch it?”
He said, “You should also be running internet security.”
I said, “I thought I was.” “In fact I am.”
He said, “Yeah I see that now, top of the line too.  In that case I don’t know why it didn’t catch it.”
I asked, “How long will it take?”
He said, “Somewhere between 2-24 hours.  It’ll be ready tomorrow afternoon”

They promised to call and let me know when it would be ready on Wednesday morning.  Late Wednesday afternoon, I called them.  I was told the guy from the previous day didn’t understand the “scope” of the problem and it would be a few more hours, but she’d call me and let me know when I could pick it up.  Wednesday night came and went.  Thursday morning came and went.  I was trying to be patient!  But by Thursday evening my patience was worn thin and I showed up at their counter.  Now the guy I spoke with on Thursday evening was very sincere, nice and honest.  He also called me several hours later to keep me informed, but I still went home without my computer because it had several more hours to go.

My big problem is with the **guy who came out while we were talking, who listened to everything that I was saying and never once offered up that he was the guy I spoke with on the phone on Tuesday that set all the errors in motion, henceforth now known as the “problem child with no integrity”.  I also have a problem with the girl whose defense was that she emailed me the progress.  HELLO?? anyone home in there?  How did she expect me to check that email?  And why do they ask for a primary number to contact you at if they have no intention of using it?

When I picked up the computer, the Geek Squad supervisor happened to be on duty and we had a nice long chat.  Let’s just say he agreed with everything I had to say about their communication skills and integrity and he even took notes.  He then also split the difference on the very expensive repair and thanked me for giving him the necessary information he needed for better training and dealing with a “problem child” on his crew. He also told me that there are many new viruses that are piggy backing many otherwise reputable sites.  The biggest culprits are:

  • You Tube videos
  • Face Book, games especially! So be careful all you farmville fans!
  • Yahoo! search engines
  • and even Google search engines
The best way to understand it:
  • Antivirus software detects and cleans out virus infected files while Internet Security is a suite of applications that aims to protect users against threats from the internet while visitng internet sites.
  • Internet Security suites usually include an antivirus application among their other programs.
  • Internet security suites commonly includes a firewall, anti malware, anti spyware, and email protection programs.
  • Internet Security suites often cost more than stand-alone antivirus applications. So spend the money, it will be well spent!
  • Read more details here TREND MICRO.
Or for the simple analogy:  anti-virus is an antibiotic after you get the disease whereas Internet security is the multiple healthy steps to prevent the disease to begin with. 

And for those of you who are thinking what about using a MAC.  I also looked into MAC cuz everyone keeps telling me they don’t get viruses which is a misnomer from what I read.  They should just add a big YET onto the end of that sentence.  The virus programmers just haven’t become proficient yet in writing for MAC.  There are MAC viruses out there.

Now for the good stuff:

2 Tablespoons butter + 1 Tablespoon butter
1 ounce Baker’s Bittersweet Chocolate
1 ounce Baker’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate
1 1/4 ounce Baker’s sweet German chocolate
1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon flour
1/8 scant teaspoon baking powder
1/8 scant teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup sugar

  • Melt 2 tablespoons butter in microwave safe ramekin for 30 seconds.
  • Add the bittersweet & semi-sweet chocolate and microwave in 30 second increments until you can stir it smooth. Set aside to cool slightly. 
  • Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder. 
  • Mix together the egg and sugar and beat on high with a hand mixer until slightly thick and turns a dull yellow. 
  • Lower speed and add chocolate mixture to egg mixture. 
  • By hand stir in the flour mixture until consistent in color. 
  • Spoon into ramekins and bake on cookie sheet for 25 minutes or until centers are set. 
  • Just after you put these in, prepare the topping. 
  • Melt the other tablespoon of butter and then add the German sweet chocolate and melt until you can stir smooth. 
  • Just after the brownies come out of the oven, pour the topping over.



Out of grams archive I found this awesome little recipe that would be perfect for baby or bridal showers.  Grams notes on the side suggested using food color to alter the cookies for the appropriate event.  I also highly recommend keeping these cookies refrigerated as they will melt! Next time I will go a step farther and freeze them for an hour and then quick dip them in melted almond bark.
Using extracts you could also change the flavor to just about anything you wanted.  I’, curious what a blackberry almond combo would be like.


8 ounces cream cheese softened
1/2 cup crisco shortening
1 teaspoon peppermint extract
1/2 teaspoon orange extract
8-9+ cups powdered sugar

  • Line your baking sheet with wax paper.
  • Using a stand mixer cream together the shortening and cream cheese.
  • Add extracts and beat until smooth.
  • Gradually add powdered sugar until dough is soft and elastic.
  • Roll into small balls.
  • Use a fork to hash mark the top and slightly flatten each cookie,
  • Cover and chill overnight.

I filled a few of the hash marks with some hot fudge I made recently and the guys loved them.
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1 package Pillsbury pie dough (or homemade if you have time)

2 eggs
8 ounces cream cheese, softened

3/4 cup sugar + 3-4 tablespoons

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 pound strawberries, cleaned and sliced
whipped cream

  • In a medium mixing bowl sprinkle 3-4 tablespoons of sugar over sliced strawberries and toss. Set aside.
  • Cut out 4 – 5 inch rounds.
  • Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees.
  • Cool.
  • In a mixing bowl combine cream cheese, eggs, 3/4 cup sugar and vanilla. Beat until well blended.
  • Bake cream cheese mixture 10 minutes until slightly thickened.
  • Spread over “pizza” rounds.
  • Top with spoonfuls of strawberries.
  • Add whipped cream and top with CARAMEL SAUCE and MOCHA HOT FUDGE SAUCE.

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These are sooooooooooooooooooo simple and sooooooooooooooooooo good too!
1 bag pretzel crackers (regular pretzels work too)
3 rolls ROLOS
1 bag pecan halfs

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Line a cookie sheet with pretzel crackers.
  • Set 2 ROLOs side by side on the crackers.
  • Bake 2-3 minutes, just long enough to soften ROLOs.
  • Press down pecan halves into each ROLO.
  • Cool.
  • Enjoy.

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1 pound (4 sticks) butter
3 cups sugar
5 eggs
3/4 cup golden raisins
1/3 cup Parrot Bay coconut rum
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for pan
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • With a mixer, cream butter.
  • Add sugar, a little at a time.
  • Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating after each addition.
  • Stir dry ingredients together in a bowl and add to mixer alternately with milk, starting with the flour and ending with the flour.
  • Mix in vanilla.
  • Drain any remaining rum from the raisins.
  • Fold in raisins and nuts.
  • Pour into a greased and floured tube pan and bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.

Even the SIL’s dog liked it. Thank goodness we’d already cut our pieces out!
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Another wonderful use for my new brownie pan! Individual cakes for the BBQ.

We had a casualty that the dogs loved!

I think grams got this recipe originally from the side of a Swan’s Down cake flour bag.

1 1/4 cups sifted Swans Down cake flour
1/2 cup + 1 1/3 cups sugar sifted sugar
1 1/2 cups +/- 12 room temperature egg whites,
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon PURE vanilla
1/4 teaspoon almond extract

NOTE:For chocolate angel food, substitute 1/4 cup cocoa for 1/4 cup cake flour and omit for chocolate angel food

  • Sift flour* once, measure and add 1/2 cup sugar and sift together several more times.
  • Combine egg whites, salt, cream of tartar, and flavorings in large mixing bowl. Whisk continuously until the whites form soft peaks that are moist and glossy.
  • Then add the rest of the sugar very gradually over the whites and beating until sugar is blended, about 25 beating strokes per time.
  • Add flour and sugar mixture very gradually, sifting it over the egg whites. Fold in each addition turning bowl gradually. Use 15 complete fold over strokes each time. After last addition. use 10 to 12 additional fold over strokes.
  • Gently pour into a 10″ ungreased tube pan.
  • Bake at 375 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes.
  • Frost and sprinkle with toasted coconut.

*and cocoa when making chocolate angel food

6 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice + rind of 1 lemon
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, optional

  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon colored.
  • Whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
  • Gradually beat in the sugar, grated lemon rind, and juice.
  • Fold in half of the stiffly beaten egg whites.
  • Cut in sifted flour and salt, add nuts if desired, and remaining egg whites.
  • Bake in a slow oven for about one hour or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out nearly clean.
  • Frost and sprinkle with toasted coconut.
  • Chill overnight or several hours.

3/4 cup white sugar
1/3 cup corn syrup
1/3 cup water
3 egg whites
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, chilled and cubed
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • In a saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup and water.
  • Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring just enough to dissolve the sugar. Heat to between 223 and 234 degrees F., or until a small amount of syrup dripped from a spoon forms a soft thread. It should take 1 or 2 minutes.
  • When the sugar mixture has reached the thread stage, remove it from the heat and set aside to cool.
  • Whip the egg whites in a large bowl with an electric mixer. When the whites can hold a stiff peak, pour in the sugar syrup in a thin stream while continuing to whip at medium speed. Be careful not to pour too quickly, or it will all just end up at the bottom of the bowl. When the syrup is incorporated, continue to mix for 10 more minutes to allow it to cool. The egg whites will be fluffy and glossy.
  • Add pieces of cold butter one at a time to the egg whites and continue to whip at medium or low speed.

1 16 ounce bag coconut
4 tablespoons butter melted

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Toss coconut in melted butter until well coated.
  • Spread evenly on a jelly roll pan.
  • Bake for fifteen minutes and then flip coconut and bake another 15 minutes until golden brown.

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Dulce de Leche Cookies

Better late than never. I’m a day off this week and didn’t realize it was Wednesday already!

Jodie of Beansy Loves Cake chose Dulce de Leche Duos aka Caramel cookies aka yummy delights aka gone around here. They were a big hit and alas I will have to make more. I didn’t think we were going to like them as well as we did – boy was I wrong.
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Chocolate chip cookies were one of the earliest recipes I began making on my own. There was always the great nut debate between my grandfather and uncle who both believed they didn’t like nuts. I LOVE walnuts in my cookies and brownies and even as a child learned that there are two ways to skin a cat as my dad would say. It turns out that what I liked was the flavor, didn’t really care about the actual nut one way or the other. So, I learned to “fake” out my grandfather and uncle who despite their belief in no nuts had no problem devouring a batch of my cookies! I’ve tweaked this recipe for years to make a larger batch and keep everyone happy.

1 1/2 cups butter, softened
2 1/2 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons molasses
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon maple extract
3 3/4 cups flour
1 cup walnut pieces
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips
1 cup golden raisins

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Using a stand mixer cream the butter and sugar together.
  • Add molasses and blend until smooth.
  • Add eggs one at a time until well blended.
  • Add vanilla and maple extracts and blend until smooth.
  • Sift together the flour, salt, cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder.
  • In a small food processor, chop nut pieces until a fine flour.
  • Gradually add the nuts and flour mixture until well blended.
  • Gently fold in milk chocolate chips and raisins.
  • Drop by teaspoonfuls onto an un-greased cookie sheet.
  • Bake 10-12 minutes
  • Enjoy

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Dave at My Year on The Grill has dared, double dared in fact us KrAzY kitchen ladies to do a recipe. In my case the joke is on him. My niece had told me about this chocolate covered bacon she’d had at a county fair and it intrigued me so much I made it back at Thanksgiving time. It didn’t last long around that house full of bacon lovers. I then took it one step farther and caramelized the bacon first – talk about a taste treat for the tongue!

10 slices thick bacon
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoons cider or balsamic vinegar
1 cup milk chocolate morsels
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons milk

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Whisk together the brown sugar and vinegar.
  • Toss bacon slices in the mixture, packing it onto the slices.
  • Layer bacon and onions on grilling rack.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes or until JUST crisp. DO NOT OVERCOOK!
  • Cool completely.
  • In a double boiler combine chocolate, butter and milk until creamy.
  • Carefully dip bacon slices.
  • Cool on wax paper.

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Dave at My Year on The Grill has dared, double dared in fact us KrAzY kitchen ladies to do a recipe. In my case the joke is on him. My niece had told me about this chocolate covered bacon she’d had at a county fair and it intrigued me so much I made it back at Thanksgiving time. It didn’t last long around that house full of bacon and chocolate lovers. I then took it one step farther and caramelized the bacon first – talk about a taste treat for the tongue!

10 slices thick bacon
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoons cider or balsamic vinegar
1 cup milk chocolate morsels
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons milk

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Whisk together the brown sugar and vinegar.
  • Toss bacon slices in the mixture, packing it onto the slices.
  • Layer bacon and onions on grilling rack.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes or until JUST crisp. DO NOT OVERCOOK!
  • Cool completely.
  • In a double boiler combine chocolate, butter and milk until creamy.
  • Carefully dip bacon slices.
  • Cool on wax paper.

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