What a relief Kitchen Update

My new linen closet.
It’s so nice to be able to empty all those plastic totes after all these months.

These all have just the first coat of stain, but oh what a relief.

I’ve been remiss in keeping the updates done on the house. For those of you just tuning in, we were FORCED into this remodel when the previous owner did not include a horrendous case of mold on their disclosure form. It’s taken us 16 months to tear out and put back most of the downstairs bathroom, kitchen, upstairs bathroom and part of our bedroom. We have finally put back the insulation, walls and almost all the cabinets (yep, it was in the cabinets too) in the kitchen. We were able to get the majority of the cabinets from a cabinet guy going out of business and are able to do the remaining one with over the counter cabinets from home depot. The ones from home depot have to be stained, stained again and then sealed, but are great especially compared to the price of ‘designer’ cabinets.