So far this year we are very warm and dry and last year in Oregon we weren’t very white or wet for Christmas at all. In 2013 we were VERY wet and white yet so I’ll show you the pictures from Winter 2013. This was our first snowstorm of the season, just before Christmas.
Hubby made this for me to wake up to in the back yard before the snow got too bad.
The house across the street usually looks horrible, but NOT when it’s under a blanket of snow.
Unfortunately, being in a cul-de-sac, delivery tracks leave MANY tire tracks at this time of year to mar the beautiful snow cover.
Even Rudolph was shivering!
The first day after he storm was absolutely gorgeous though!
The duck pond behind the neighborhood was truly a work of art.
Obviously we hadn’t gone anywhere – no tire tracks!
The fish ladder was like glass with the cold and ice.
It sure has been a weird weather winter so far! Lol
LOL Thank you! I'm still hoping you see snow soon. We used to live up in the U.P. and or friends there are saying they haven't even seen any snow yet – weird!
Oh yay for walk in closet! Sending you snowy cozy thoughts (even though STILL only rain here!) Lol xo
Thank you my dear friend. Just having one completed project is making us feel better. I get to actually hang my clothes in my new walk in closet tomorrow! I'm so excited.
I know I am going to miss the snow the most with this move!
Been a busy Gal and missing my blogging time! Catching up on some of your posts today. I love this as it's so nice to see SOME snow!! None here yet, but sounding good for this week (fingers crossed). I love the heart your hubby made you. 😉
I still love to watch your progress with the house – I know it's a pain in the butt for you, but I'm seeing the transformation already from what you share. I think it's exciting, and so nice for the house to have someone to love it again.
Blessings on your weekend!! xoxo