It’s time for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce at From This Side of the Pond. Head over to get the questions and answer them on your blog. Come play along!
Five years ago this month hubs and I relocated from New Jersey to the Palmetto State. What were you doing five years ago this month? 5 years ago today we were preparing to move to Texas to help my uncle by rehabbing my grandparent’s house after my cousin passed – still the worst decision ever, but that’s another story!
- What was the last 9-5 job you worked? Tell us about it. I’ve NEVER actually had a job that was literally 9 to 5, so we’ll take that to mean a Monday-Friday “daytime job 😀 I managed an auto body repair shop for several years. I did whatever it took to make the day happen from fetching parts, picking up the owner’s kids from school, accounts receivable and payable etc…
- Plead the fifth, high five, take five, it’s five o’clock somewhere, or the big 5-0…which number five phrase relates to your life in some way currently? Tell us how. It has to be IT’S FIVE O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE 😀 amid all the stress of the pandemic, quarantining and nowhere to go or anything to do with all the closures 😀
- During this season of spending so much time at home, what distractions get in the way of being your most productive? Or have you been extra productive since this whole thing started? I’ve actually been super productive as much as possible.
- Give us a list here of your top five anything. Things that make me happy 😀
- Insert your own random thought here.

I like your list of favorites. Fresh flowers are definitely on my list too. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Nice list of favorites
We both said it’s 5 o’clock somewhere. I like your top 5 too. I hope you had a nice anniversary. Have a great day!