CANDIED JALAPENOS aka COWBOY CANDY Adapted from Foodie with Family yields 4-6 half pints

3 pounds FRESH FIRM, jalapeno peppers, washed
2 cups apple cider vinegar
6 cups white granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

  • Wearing gloves, remove the stems from all of the jalapeno peppers and discard the stems.
  • Slice the peppers into uniform 1/8-1/4 inch rounds. Set aside.
  • In a large pot, bring vinegar, sugar, celery seed and cayenne pepper to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Raise the heat to boiling again, add the pepper slices and garlic, return to a hard boil, then reduce the heat again and simmer for exactly 4 minutes.
  • Use a slotted spoon to transfer the peppers into clean, sterile canning jars to within 1/4 inch of the upper rim of the jar.
  • Turn heat up under the pot with the syrup and bring to a full rolling boil. Boil hard for 6 minutes.
Use a ladle to pour the boiling syrup into the jars over the jalapeno slices.
  • Insert a cooking chopstick to the bottom of the jar two or three times to release any trapped pockets of air.
  • Adjust the level of the syrup if necessary.
    Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp paper towel.
  • Add new lids and rings until finger tightness.
  • Place jars in a pan full of boiling water. Be sure jars are covered with at least 2 inches of water.
  • Boil for 10 minutes for half-pints or 15 minutes for pints.
  • When fully cooled, wipe them with a clean, damp washcloth then label.
  • Allow to mellow for at least two weeks, but preferably a month before eating.

NOTE: These make great gifts! Add any leftover syrup into half-pint jars and process the same as the jalapenos. Save it for brushing on meat for the grill or add it to potato salad or whatever your heart desires??

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