It’s A-Z challenge time again! This year in celebration of 2 years cancer free I’m devoting my A-Z’s to positive attributes and characteristics. Today is appreciation.

If you haven’t already signed up for the A to Z Blogging Challenge for 2013, the time is now! The sign up list has been open for a few days now and I almost missed it even after promoting it!
Since the A to Z challenge is a blog hop I’m posting the sign up list here at the end of this post for your convenience.
This will be my third year playing. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s always a lot of fun and a great way to meet new bloggers. There are already 500 signed up to play along. The list is growing quickly. I hope you will be joining us for all the fun!
The idea is simple. You sign up anytime between now and April 1st. Each day in April (excluding Sundays), you blog according to that day’s letter – A on the first day, B on the second and so forth. Themes are welcome but not necessary. I personally think it makes it easier than just winging it.
This year the team has added categories to find your own areas of interest easier. It’s totally optional but it’s something I had been in favor of the last two years – and then when I signed up I forgot to add a category! Too late now.
Want to learn more before taking the leap? Visit the official Blogging from A to Z Challenge site.