This is one of those categories that should be easy, but it’s a bit complicated for us. We USUALLY had a REAL tree. Until we didn’t. 😀

Several years back hubby’s National Guard unit was put on alert one September and by Thanksgiving they were shipping out to IRAQ. They left sunny southern California and headed to Washington to be integrated into the Army, which for hubby was easy because he had already served in the Army and then joined the National Guard so it was like going home for him.

I was lucky because in the end he was named the Rear Detachment Commander and sent home to man the Armory and guys that remained behind for one reason or another.

But, I digress. While he was gone I needed to put up the tree and just couldn’t talk myself into doing a real tree by myself so I purchased a really nice artificial one. I put it up and decorated it that year and the next while he was still deployed. The following year we went back to a real tree. The year after that we moved to the north woods and REALLY enjoyed live trees again for a couple years.

During that time the artificial tree stayed boxed up. When we were in Texas after that live trees were exorbitantly priced so we used the artificial tree again for a couple years. When we came back to the Pacific North West we went back to live trees until the year of the COVID pandemic and the local tree farm closed early leaving us live treeLESS so we pulled out the artificial tree once again.

LOL this is my long winded way of asking you if you can tell the difference between a few of the trees from the past few years? Which ones are real and which ones are artificial?  😀

Live or artificial doesn’t matter to us anymore – being decorated with all the sentimental ornaments is what makes either tree special. A LIVE tree smells good, but honestly a nice artificial tree is easier and a whole lot less mess in the long run. We do buy a LIVE spray for inside and wreaths for outside! Sadly our local tree farm is up for sale. While whoever buys it will probably keep it the same, there’s no gaurantee it will remain the same. 🙁



We all know the song, but do we know the REAL meaning behind the words? I’d bet most don’t.

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly.  Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.

It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

  • The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
  • Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
  • Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
  • The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
  • The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
  • The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
  • Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit–Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
  • The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
  • Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit–Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
  • The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
  • The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
  • The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.

So that is your history lesson for today. Merry (Twelve Days of) Christmas Everyone – and, remember, the Twelve Days of Christmas are the 12 days starting December 25th and the Christmas Season runs until Epiphany, January 6.

BLOGMAS 2023 ~ day 2 ~ MEANING of CHRISTMAS ~ BLOG 365.329B

Christmas is the most important holiday to me and not because Santa comes, though that is pretty important to the kiddos, but more importantly, it’s a caring spirit, a sharing feeling, an attitude that I try to practice all year long.  I truly feel good about giving – whether it’s the Angel trees I select gifts for or the smile from the Salvation Army bell ringer as you put your money in their red bucket and wish them Merry Christmas. 

For 10 years I chaired an Angel Tree Program for FISH and I loved doing it! I prepared for it earlier and earlier every year and I truly believe each year got better and better because of that preparation. The night before we distributed the gifts I would go shopping for the teenage girls and boys that always seemed to fall through the cracks in the donations.  We were ALWAYS lacking in gifts for the teen girls no matter what we tried to boost things up for them.  So, now when I choose the angels from the trees in the community I seek out the teenage girls specifically.

Christmas means lots and lots of memories of family, some no longer with us, but ALWAYS in my heart when I hang an ornament that reminds me of that person or a recipe that they always prepared like my dad’s, Oatnut Sourdough Herb Dressing, crazy Aunt Louise’s Holiday Wreaths or Gram’s Christmas box full of goodies picked out just for each one of us or…

One of the things I try to practice is to make at least one homemade gift each year – nothing extravagant, but just something that says “I MADE THIS with LOVE JUST FOR YOU“.

The years that we host the Christmas holidays we include a lot of family recipes. But, more importantly, Christmas is the spirit of Love and Giving and it must be felt and shared. Christmas is a gift from above and each year as I grow older I realize more and more that Christmas is about Love, Peace, Sharing, Caring and just being together.

I can only answer for myself, but I assume for those that are not religious, the meaning of Christmas is still a celebration, but one of celebrating friendships and family by gathering to eat together, share their time and share tokens of appreciation in the form of gifts with others.
May we ALL carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts all throughout the year by remembering the REAL reason for the season.


Here we go. Another year has passed and the holidays are upon us again! DAY 1 of BLOGMAS 2023 has me asking you what your holiday decorating schedule is.

I have to admit I’m one of those people who can’t wait to decorate and leave it up for longer than most. We passed our neighbor last Tuesday and he was out putting up his Christmas lights and candy canes right next to his blow up Turkey for Thanksgiving. I had to laugh because while my house IS already decorated inside I made hubby promise to wait until today to begin decorating outside 😀 In our neighbor’s defense he was quite ill last year and never got to decorate at all so he gets a pass on the early decorating and he promised to wait until tonight to turn the lights on!

We’ll be at our favorite local Christmas tree farm when they open this morning at 9AM to pick out 2 wreaths for the front porch.

  • Are you a traditional or trendy decorator? I’m a traditional, sentimental decorator. I still have ornaments from when I was a kid and some of my grandparent’s things. We tend to have the same decorations year in and year out, but they may be in different places each year because I add a piece here or there and some even get donated or die by attrition.
  • Are you white lights or multi-colored? This category depends for me. Definitely multi-colored on the tree, but I have white on my sleigh and around the Santa Hot Air Balloon as a landing zone.
  • When do you decorate inside? PLEASE don’t laugh, but since COVID my tree has gone up at Halloween 😀 and stays up through AT LEAST King’s Day.
  • Outside? We wait until after Thanksgiving 😀
  • To Blow or NOT Blow? We’re yes on this category MOST of the time. Years with early snows or stormier than normal windy days we stray away from them.


For us, traditional pumpkin pie has become kind of boring and don’t even try and serve one of those from a big box store, they’re so boring and cardboard like. When I found this recipe I just knew this would become our new favorite! I embellished it a bit with changing up the rum to an apple rum we love. I’m also increasing the amount of raisins next time.


1/2-1 cup golden raisins**(see notes)
1/4 cup apple rum
1/4 cup boiling water
2 LARGE eggs
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon AP flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon QUALITY cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon FRESH ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
15 ounce can pumpkin
8 ounces evaporated milk**(see notes)
Crust for a single crust pie – your choice, homemade or store bought

  • Preheat oven to 400°.
  • Roll dough into a 1/8 inch thick circle and transfer to a 9 inch pie plate. Trim crust to 1/2 inch beyond the plate rim and flute edge. Place raisins in a small bowl and cover with the rum and boiling water. Let them sit 5 minutes. **(see notes)
  • In a large mixing bowl combine the eggs, brown sugar, flour, salt and spices.
  • Stir in the pumpkin and raisin mixture.
  • Gradually blend in milk.
  • Pour into crust.
  • Bake 35-40 minutes until knife inserted in center comes out clean. **(see notes)
  • Cool on wire rack.
  • Refrigerate any leftovers if there are some.


  • I like to use golden raisins which are naturally plumper and juicier than regular raisins. When I use golden raisins I use all rum and let them sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Use the rest of your evaporated milk in your Thanksgiving mashed potatoes.
  • Cover edges with foil last 15-20 minutes if edges are browning too quickly.


I’m sure you’ve heard of it on your favorite cooking show, even if you have no idea what it really is. I know I had and even though it was explained, it just wouldn’t register and stay in my brain.

I’m entering a charcuterie board contest on New Year’s Even and chose the desert category. I’ve been looking for not only tried and true recipe ideas, but some new and unusual ones too. I ran across a recipe for chocolate covered cheese. YEP, you read that right, chocolate covered cheese!

I decided to try it three ways, milk, dark and ruby covered with a flake salt. I skipped white as I’m just not a fan – worst discovery of 1930 in my book! I also decided to try it with multiple flavored cheeses. I’m using Jack, sharp white cheddar and a champagnes Havarti. These are the pre-event taste tests> 😀

I figured I should do the research to really understand what Ruby chocolate it. I didn’t believe the cotton colored hue of the chocolate could be natural, but for the most part I was seriously wrong!

Ruby chocolate magically appeared in 2017 after a 13 year development process in Switzerland by the Barry Callebaut company. I say magically because the details of how it is produced are kept closely guarded, but they have noted that the color and unique flavor are products of the bean’s fermentation process.

Nestle released a limited edition KitKat overseas and another version again in 2019 in the UK leaving many companies scrambling to develop their own version.

Ruby chocolate is made from Ruby Cacao Beans which are found in South America; Ecuador and Brazil as well as the Ivory Coast (West African coast). Like specific grapes grown for specific wines, the ruby cacao beans are directly influenced by their growing environment so are cultivated in very specific climates.

So far in my taste testing I’m finding that far more women appreciate the flavor than men do. MEH seems to be the overwhelming consensus of the men I know and even many women can take it or leave it. BUT, it will still be a stunning addition to my charcuterie board 😀

There are NO added berries, flavor or dyes, yet ruby chocolate tastes berry like. The fruity flavor has hints of strawberry and raspberry and is quite smooth in texture, but not milky. While it’s NOT bitter, it does have a slightly tart after effect taste. I did find this image on the company’s website that may explain it better.



8 ounces aged cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese
6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
Flake sea salt

  • Cut cheese into 1/2-in. cubes.
  • In a microwave, melt chocolate in 30 second increments; stirring until smooth.
  • Dip cheese cubes in chocolate, allowing excess to drip off.
  • Place on waxed paper.
  • Sprinkle with a few grains of salt.
  • Let stand until set.


I can’t believe we’re at the end of November and Thanksgiving is over! It’s time for the BLOGMAS 2023 list reveal. I’m going to begin on Friday the day after Thanksgiving and go through Christmas Day. Join in where and when you can, but most importantly have a GREAT, FUN time! I’m not going to add an official linky, but if you comment we’ll know you’re playing along and come visit so have the coffee and goodies ready 😀

HAPPY HOMEMAKER MONDAY week 47 of 2023 with MENUS ~ BLOG 365.324

Be sure to join us for Happy Homemaker Monday and link up with our host, Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

Oh my, where did last week go? It started out so great and then just flew by! I know I didn’t get to visit everyone, but am so hopeful that this week will be better with the downtime on Thursday. We’re going to be just the 2 of us for Thanksgiving so I’m planning on vegging on Thursday and playing catch up with visiting blogs.

I’m also planning on beginning BLOGMAS on Friday and will be posting this year’s LOGO and list tomorrow 😀 I was hoping to have it done for today, but spent all of yesterday helping with a Thanksgiving meal at the Eagles and was just plain worn out last night.

We have had a ton of rain and even had a pretty BIG storm on Saturday night that left what leaves were still on the trees everywhere but and the first bits of snow on the hilltops east of town 😀 This week is supposed to be drier, but also MUCH colder! Funny thing is that what I’m wearing doesn’t really change that much – I just add another layer 😀

There is still A LOT going on and I’ve been extremely busy this week also, but weighing heavy on my mind is some health concerns with my mom and uncle. My uncle is doing better this week than last fortunately. Prayers are still needed for all of them.

On the home front I can’t believe Thanksgiving is Thursday. Fortunately, we aren’t planning a big one and the pivot on the menu is something I’m now looking forward to.

I’m going to a lunch for a sweet lady later so am only doing hot water this morning.

  • LAUNDRY & CLEANING I did most of the laundry over the weekend, but still have a load of sheets to fold today and a load of jeans that I’ll set to wash before I leave for lunch so it’s ready for the dryer when I get home.
  • GROCERIES & ERRANDS I have NO intention of setting foot inside a store this week – way too chaotic for me 😀 I do have an appointment for my COVID booster on Wednesday.
  • PAPERWORK, PHONE CALLS, PROJECTS & TRAVELS not the week for ANY of this!
  • RECIPE RESEARCH & MENU PLANNING I was lucky to get this week planned, but am looking toward the planned downtime to get more organized for 2024.

  • AMAZON PRIME- MAX I’m 3 episodes in on the new show JULIA
  • CABLE – Holiday Baking shows, Hallmark Christmas Movies, Dancing with the Stars, Quantum Leap, Magnum

I just started Jana DeLeon’s Undertow, book #3 of her Tempest Island series

take your turkey out of the freezer to thaw!

I finished my Highland Cow Christmas pillow Saturday. Painting on a flexible fabric canvas is so much harder than a framed canvas and uses so much more paint as well as requires more creativity to get the right textures.