A Crafters AHA Moment ~ and the Decision it Dawned
Michaels was where the AHA moment struck. I had been having a fairly relaxing afternoon until I walked in there and started thinking about all the unfinished projects I have to do, all the bits and pieces of craft tools that I have and that I actually don’t enjoy some of them like I thought I would, but feel obligated to complete them.
SO my AHA moment was enlightening as I made a mental list (I am a serious list maker) of the crafts I like or love (quilting, stained glass, scrap booking and photography) the crafts I want to try (candle making and altered canvas) and the crafts I want to give up forever (crocheting, rubber stamping, doll making after I finish these last 2 and everything else that’s not in the above 2 lists)!
I remembered what my Rhuematologist said when I first got sick. “It is okay to give yourself permission to not be stressed whether that is giving up a person, a place or a job”. Since I’m a caretaker kind of person I always feel bad about not being ALL things to ALL people, but am learning it really is okay to say NO and please just yourself once in awhile.
When we moved, I donated a ton of stuff to the girl scouts for crafts, even shipped several boxes back to my old troop the next year, but it obviously wasn’t enough. I’ll be donating all the rest of the crafty bits and pieces and tools to the local after school program for the kids and not feeling one bit guilty about it either!
As of today it’s on it’s way to it’s new home in Oregon.
The tie dyed pieces you can see in the 3rd picture were hand dyed
by my cousin Jenn as ‘gift wrapping’ for my birthday.
Sunday Accomplishments

Sunday Accomplishments
Hubby has been making me take Sundays off and do just what I want. He’s worried about me working too much. I guess I do have a tendency to over-do so I appreciate his worrying about me. So last Sunday I got this far on the wall quilt. I’m still thinking about another border before backing and binding it, but just can’t decide.
SPRAY PAINT is like DUCT TAPE and is my new best friend
So, I’m getting inventive. I found this old berry basket in the trash they left behind. It was stained and horribly dirty, but I vacuumed all the cobwebs out, washed and let it dry for a good long while and then grabbed my spray paint can of silver hammered paint. After that coat dried I did a quick once over with bronze hammer paint. Now I know spray paint is not environmentally friendly, but I figure the small amount of paint I used is so much better than throwing something old into the trash. I have also salvaged all the old registers from the house that were rusting and peeling and with some elbow grease and copper colored Rustoleum hammer paint now have restored new ‘old’ well made heat registers.
I even used it on the claw foot tub. It was painted a sick seafoam green and peeling. So I scraped the peeling paint and grabbed the Rustoleum bronze hammer paint and voila! It looks really beautiful. I can’t wait until the rest of the bathroom is done. Updates to come!
Snow Day ~Holiday~ quilt projects!
A while back I pledged to make next year’s Christmas presents
Major Catch up Time

These are my most recent quilts. I was really hoping to get them finished and others started this past winter, but the “new” house had other ideas. The pink and green is for my mom. The red, white and blue for my aunt and uncle and the orange and yellow is a “copy” of one I made my cousin so we’d have matching quilts. They all just need binding, so maybe I’ll finish them yet this month. The last one is fire themed and I made it for my stepson last Christmas which was also his birthday. The backing was doggy paw prints that matched the Dalmations on the front.