She sent a few of my favorite treats like chocolate covered pretzels (super yum salt and chocolate). chocolate covered sunflower seeds which I was a virgin to, Werther’s originals and an adorable Valentines card for me and one to share and pumpkin cookie to go along with the pumpkin soup recipe. From what I see of her blog she is an exquisite paper crafter. Thank you Alice for such a wonderful surprise box!
Secret Apron Swap Sneak Peek
Ornament Swaps & the Secret Santa Shindig partner revealed
A Very Vintage Christmas Swap
Headphone giveaway at An Island Life
Go check out the giveaway at An Island Life.
From Brain Nadel’s review: “The sound is nothing short of phenomenal, with balanced low, high and mid-range tones, particularly compared to the typical headsets that most schools provide. Capable of reproducing between 5- and 17,000-hertz, the Audeo earphone’s output is accurate, even at low volume. The big payoff is that kids no longer have to turn up the volume on cheap headsets into the danger zone in order to hear what’s going on.”
Check out Hear the World where you can find more information about hearing including how to protect your child from hearing loss. They even have a simulator where you can experience hearing loss for yourself. This valuable tool will make you realize how important it is take proper care of your ears. Win it!
Audeo has generously donated a Perfect Fit Earphones to one lucky winner! To enter:
- Stop by Audeo before midnight, Dec 21st and check out these cool earphones.
- Then go to An Island Life and mention in comments why you want to win this. That’s it!
- A random winner will be selected and notified on Dec 22nd.
- The winner will have 3 days to claim their prize.
1000th Post and the Winners Are…
This is posting as the actual 1000th post a little sooner than I thought, but perfect for the end of the giveaway! Merry Christmas. I loved everyone’s answers. Thank you so much for sharing your stories.

Timestamp: 2008-12-11 15:12:46 UTC
shopannies said… I would love to win these they are so pretty. I have been blogging myself for a short period of time. You have reached a great point if you have reached 1000… I just posted and forgot what I was doing i was just happy for your for reaching 1000 but christmas for me has meant different things over the years when I was a little girl christmas meant making angels in the snow and waiting to go to grandmas for the biggest christmas eve party ever. As a young mother it was the delight of praying over each christmas present that I wrapped for my 6 children and my excitement to see them so excited christmas morn. Now christmas means all that and more now that I am a grandma and I can buy gifts for my little princess. Oh its begining to look alot like Christmas every where you look….
Timestamp: 2008-12-11 15:16:35 UTC
Shannon H. said… Christmas means being with family and friends and experiencing the magic of the day. Eating lots of food, opening presents (home made or hand made gifts are the best) and signing carols. I miss my parents the most at this time of year but we always talk about them. They are ALWAYS with us.
- I know I said 2, but it’s Christmas so let’s do some more.

Timestamp: 2008-12-11 15:23:16 UTC
Gretchen said… What a great gift! Lets see, to me, Christmas means family. It’s not about the goodies under the tree, but a time when I can be with the ones I love. Life is so short and each Christmas I get with family is precious to me. If we only knew which one would be the last, but I guess it’s better not to. How could we stand it?
Everyone please send me your snail mail addresses and I will get these out in the mail!
Home for the Holidays Swap Update

~ 1000th Post Giveaway ~ & Christmas Tree Decorating Contest
I did some quick calculating this morning and it looks like my 1000th post will be right about Christmas! So in keeping with the Christmas Spirit I’m having a giveaway for hand painted Christmas bulbs. When my cousin Jenn first convinced me to start a blog, I thought I didn’t have anything to say and it would be short lived ~ I guess I was wrong LOL, I seem to have found my voice!
So in keeping with the Christmas spirit I am going to give away sets of hand painted Christmas bulbs. In fact, I’m going to give away 2 sets, 1 for each 500 posts! No two bulbs are alike and every one of them were hand painted by me. When I first started making these it was as gifts. Hubby loved them so much he had me make enough to replace all our old bulbs and it’s always a sweet reminder to put up the tree and remember how much he loved something I did. He decorated the tree almost by himself yesterday and did a fantastic job. We put on the lights and garland together and then I unwrapped the bulbs and put them on hangers while he did all the ladder work.
Snowflakes and Sparkles Swap
Elizabeth also likes vintage ornaments and I found these 3 vintage ornaments: a red silk beaded cameo, a nativity and an angel that my grandma had made. And a vintage quilted one as well as 2 beaded icicle ornaments. I also had these great vintage snowflakes for making her own ornaments.
A while back she admired some lids I had on my blue ball jars full of buttons so I made some of those for her too. I found this adorable silver Christmas tree candle and then some chocolate caramel bars and hot cocoas for those cold winter nights.
Then today I received this great box from Elizabeth.
Elizabeth sent me some ‘green tags’ which I love and have been making for 30 years. Great minds think alike? LOL Essentially you recycle this year’s Christmas cards into next year’s gift tags. It’s creative, fun and pretty too.
I never told her what they were, but she managed to send 2 of my very favorite candies too, Junior mints and my all time favorite – ribbon candy! As a little girl I would wait all year long for my dad to buy that seasonal ribbon candy and was always sorry when it was gone! Better yet it’s made right near her home.
She sent a this beautiful frame which is awesome as I am in the midst of finishing a family photo case in the stairwell that I hope to use in show and tell soon – perfect timing Elizabeth. The fingertip towels will be awesome with all our holiday guests.
There are also Christmas candles, a CD collection of Christmas songs I can’t wait to hear, a bead craft, a patchwork quilted ornament and a Santa pin. Thank you so much for a fun box!
~ Home for the Holidays Swap ~
Christmas Giveaway
My Cousin Jenn of What I did at School today & Two Ply Two is having a giveaway. I boasted about her wonderful prints here and here where you can see them all, but for a chance to enter her giveaway run on over to her place and follow the directions. I have it on good authority that she’s considering extending the deadline.
Home for the Holidays Swap Update