Fire Day Friday: Asparagus with Hollandaise and Beef

The myth that BBQ enthusiasts don’t eat vegetables is false. We just add meat to them.

The great thing about this appetizer we made tonight was that it was all leftovers. I had some extra asparagus that I hadn’t cooked, Hollandaise sauce that I had made the day before, and the thin shaved prime rib from last night’s dinner (another leftovers dinner – click here for that post).

This really isn’t much of a recipe as it is “just throw it together”.

I tossed the asparagus tips in some olive oil, salt, and pepper. Then I roasted it for 9 minutes at 400f on the top rack of my oven.

Meanwhile I warmed up the Hollandaise sauce the same way I made it. I added a Tbsp each of water and lemon juice, then heated it in a stainless steel mixing bowl positioned over a pot of simmering water, whisking frequently.

Then I simply drizzled the Hollandaise sauce over the roasted asparagus and crowned it with some finely diced prime rib.

These might have been leftovers but you couldn’t tell from the taste! What is your favorite “leftover” dish that you have made?