This area used to be an 18″ wide closet on either side of the chimney. Lots of space, but all wasted since there was only a 2′ opening. You couldn’t get to anything in the back and then we found more mold! This escalated the time to get it done and then also created even more domino effect!!!!
So, we’re building an 8′ regular walk in style closet on the right and creating a 6′ recessed nook on the left where the dressers will sit. This area will also have the wainscotting painted white for that original country look. The rest of the room is done in that God awful texture paint, so we’re planning to continue the wainscotting all the way around and do new “authentic” decorative casings on the windows as we replace and upgrade them. The inside of the closet will be lined in cedar ~ that is after the closet frame is actually built!