Camera Critters ~ Inside trying to get out!

Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

See this little guy, he’s a directionally challenged hummingbird, roosting in the rafters of the garage?
He’s not supposed to be there. He’s a little confused.
Hubby went to put the truck away and found this little guy trying to
get out of
the garage through the skylights and not succeeding.

Hubby got smart and went out side to get one of the branches we’d just
cut to give him a sense of familiar and Voile it worked.
He willingly hopped onto the branch and let
hubby guide him to the safety of outside.

Camera Critters – Momma

Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

I took these pictures the first week of June.

Thumper was here having leftovers from last night for breakfast when momma sauntered over looking for breakfast. She had just given birth the day before and has been coming across for small regular meals since. Then she saunters back over to where she has the fawn hidden in the high brush behind her. Fortunately the people across the street here on the edge of town are only here a couple of weeks a year so momma feels safe having her babies here every year.

Rayne asked whether she has let me get close to the baby this year. As long as I stay a reasonable distance and bring her a treat (a handful of cracked corn or a carrot) she will let me peek. This year’s site isn’t conducive to taking a decent picture so I offer you a picture of her fawn from father’s day 2006.

Camera Critters ~ On the Outside Looking In

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.

Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

On the outside looking in and none too happy about it.
Remember when we were kids and mom made us get out into the fresh air and sunshine?
That’s all I did here.
It’s been raining so much and they hadn’t been out except to do what was ‘necessary’.
I figured it wouldn’t kill them to get out for a bit.
As you can see from the frowns, they disagreed.

Camera Critters~Meet THUMPER

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.

It’s taken off really well.
Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

This is the infamous Thumper who shares with the deer. Isn’t he adorable? I had some wilted leaf lettuce that I put out with corn before I left for the store. I happened to have the camera with me and was able to get some pictures actually looking towards the house instead of my norm out the door shots, but then you get those too. He likes to hang out under the porch. You can see just enough room for him to scoot under that back edge near the stairs.

Camera Critters

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.
It’s taken off really well.
Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.
I’m still on vacation so this is sis-in-law’s dog, Buffy. She got her after her SWEET Daisy passed on at a very old age. Buffy started out to be a holy terror. So much so that I used to call her CUJO. Yes, that sweet looking little thing we called CUJO, PSYCHO and numerous other expletives. And no, she’s not a a miniature husky, she’s a shaved pomeranian. She has mellowed into a sweet little lover girl though.

Camera Critters

My Friend Misty has started a new meme. Who can resist critters?
Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

These pictures are from my sis-in-law’s pond. She raises hundreds of frogs in the wild every year on her property. I took these on a visit last November and I’m there now hoping to get some pictures of her other wildlife. As I sit here writing this, I have to laugh because there is a chorus of RIVETS going on behind me in approval of this post. Sis-in-law even has this picture as a screen saver!

Camera Critters

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.
It’s taken off really well. Who can resist critters?
Come join us and have some fun.

You can get more information at
Camera Critters.

We had a vet appointment this day and had his harness on, but wanted him to have some fun first so we decided to give Gunner his new summer toy a little early since he’s missed some serious springtime yard fun with all the snow we’ve had. At first he was hesitant, but then he caught on.

Camera Critters

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.
It’s taken off really well.
Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.

Last snow romp this past week because spring is finally here!
Gunner ran faster, but Whiskey won the stick toss.

Camera Critters Premiere

My Friend Misty has started a new meme, Camera Critters.
I think it’s going to take off and fly on its own from the very beginning.
Who can resist critters, especially cute critters?
Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at
Camera Critters.

For my first entry I’m submitting my deer family at dinner last night. Momma comes regularly and every year brings her new babies. This shot is Momma (pregnant again) with her babies from last spring and a year or so old orphan. They kept trying to run the orphan off, but finally let him stay. I click my tongue when I put out the food (Great way to use my produce scraps from salad makings) and they come. Some nights there are 9 or 10 deer. They also share with Thumper (the rabbit of course) and a skunk or two. I recently posted the bird’s pizza party also if you want to have a look see.